Pokemon Discussion

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Pokemon Discussion

Postby everdred12a » Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:08 pm

So I recently got back started on Pokemon Fire Red (mainly because I don't own a DS and can't play Diamond), and ever since I got started back on it, I've wanted to be able to talk about it, but no one I know is really playing Pokemon actively. So, talk about your current team, or just talk about Pokemon in general.

Like I said, right now I'm on FR.
My team; though I feel like I should point out that the Raticate and Fearow are only there as HM users, and aren't really trained for battle.

Charizard, level 43, "Chami"
The only permanent fixture in my team right now. Chami's the only Pokemon I have EV trained so far (in this game, at least), and is by far the most powerful member of my team.

Growlithe, level 41, "Windie"
I've never used a Growlithe or an Arcanine before, but I always did like the Pokemon, so I decided to raise one this time around. If I like having this Pokemon in my team, I plan on doing some breeding to get one that has Crunch, and then EV training it up.

Kadabra, level 42, "Zei Shah"
The second most powerful member of my team. I haven't EV trained him, though. I plan on training a new Abra up after I beat the Elite Four and EV training it.

Venomoth, level 34, "Miasma"
Again, I've never used a Venonat/Venomoth before, but I like the Pokemon, so I decided to try it. Just like my Growlithe, if I like it, I'll make an attempt at EV training one, and I might try breeding to get Signal Beam, too.

The other two Pokemon in my party, Raticate and Fearow, are just for HM's (Raticate has Strenght and Cut; Fearow has Fly). But I want to use the fifth slot in my party for a Jolteon. As for the sixth slot, I haven't really decided what to use yet. I've been thinking about using a Kingdra, but I haven't made a concrete decision yet.

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Postby blkmage » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:08 pm

I've actually gotten back into Pokemon as well, but with Pearl. I've noticed the game has gotten ridiculously complicated since I last played, which was Red (plain old Red, not Fire Red, so back when there were only 150). So I am looking into all of this EV stuff for the first time and now I am wondering how children are supposed to play this game. >.>

Sooo, any important things I should know or things to focus on?
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Postby Fish and Chips » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:17 pm

Original Red Version, boys. Let's hear it.

I tend to favor Vileplume and Jigglypuff on my team of choice. Vileplume has some useful status ailments up its sleeves, and can deliver a fair bit of damage. As for Jigglypuff, man, Jigglypuff is a frickin' tank. Once I've raised it long enough to learn all its moves, I'll evolve it to a Wigglytuff.

Haven't decided on my fully stocked dream team, though.
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Postby everdred12a » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:28 pm

blkmage (post: 1209738) wrote:I've actually gotten back into Pokemon as well, but with Pearl. I've noticed the game has gotten ridiculously complicated since I last played, which was Red (plain old Red, not Fire Red, so back when there were only 150). So I am looking into all of this EV stuff for the first time and now I am wondering how children are supposed to play this game. >.>

Sooo, any important things I should know or things to focus on?

The only things to really watch out for in D/P are Natures and the new Traits (I think they're called Traits, at least) which effect your minimum and maximum stats. I know that Natures give an overall 10%]I tend to favor Vileplume and Jigglypuff on my team of choice. Vileplume has some useful status ailments up its sleeves, and can deliver a fair bit of damage. As for Jigglypuff, man, Jigglypuff is a frickin' tank. Once I've raised it long enough to learn all its moves, I'll evolve it to a Wigglytuff.
You may actually want to look into using a Chansey rather than a Wigglytuff. Chansey has a final HP value of about 700, while Wigglytuff's is about 500 (values not taking IV's and EV's into account). Wigglytuff can take a normal attack better than Chansey, but against special attacks, Chansey has a high defense.

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Postby RidleyofZebes » Mon Mar 24, 2008 11:10 am

" wrote:You may actually want to look into using a Chansey rather than a Wigglytuff. Chansey has a final HP value of about 700, while Wigglytuff's is about 500 (values not taking IV's and EV's into account). Wigglytuff can take a normal attack better than Chansey, but against special attacks, Chansey has a high defense.

Yes, but that lack of physical defense is EXACTLY what makes Chansey so unfavorable. Jigglypuff as least has some physical defense, and a fair amount of special defense to boot. Now, while none of them would stand much of a chance against a well trained Machoke, Jigglypuff would last a tad longer because of it's physical defense. Possibly long enough for you to switch it for a Pokemon better suited to Machoke, say, a psychic type.
I remember back in my old Yellow Version game, I threw a Machoke I had just caught on Victory Road up against a level 60-something Chansey. 1-hit K.O. I don't think I could have done that against a Jigglypuff of the same level.

Wow, it's been awhile since I played Yellow... *goes to dig out old Super GameBoy*
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Postby Bap » Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:30 pm

I would so want to get back into Pokemon, but I just kinda lost sight of why I was doing it when I didn't really have anyone to constantly talk about it, and play with. xD; And all that breeding and EV training and whatever was giving me a headache, haha. >_>; (Yeah, forget IVs. T___T;;)

But the last I played was Pearl, and I was looking into building a Flying type team. @_@ (Well. Not straight up flying, of course. xD;) It was actually kinna interesting looking at all the different half-flying types. D:

I had no idea that Mantine had like... 140 base sp. def. >_>;
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