three year have past sence taboo was destoried and the worlds were allience was made that kept both good and evil on the same side.called the allies.three years sence taboo died.a evil creature deep withen heck was sent to the new planet "SSB"(made of all nintendo games)to convert them all to the bad rillgion by force in necessary.
a local private school has one a comptetion and will recive the new game super smash bros new age.but little did they know.they will become intten(holy warriors) and fight the evil gatten(possed people think demon heartless except when they ide they turn into humans again)!
look: (your clothes and stuff)
power: (your power depends on what chracter you picked as your doner you will get all there powers.from any of their things(tv,video games,movies)
exceptions to the all nintendo rule are these games:god of war,halo,metal gear solid,tom clancy games,rachet and clank games,pac man,devil may cry
tv shows and movies allowed are:any marvel movie or show.
for people who want to be charcters from the or any game allowed can do
name means the name of your person.
bio is what game they are from.