[SIZE="7"][color="MediumTurquoise"]Cobalt Figure 8[/color][/SIZE]UC Pseudonym wrote:For a while I wasn't sure how to answer this, and then I thought "What would Batman do?" Excuse me while I find a warehouse with a skylight...
I have absolutely no intention of ever buying an Xbox or a 360, but I always did want to play Jet Set Radio Future and Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath. Maybe give 'em a rent before buying, though.
[SIZE="7"][color="MediumTurquoise"]Cobalt Figure 8[/color][/SIZE]UC Pseudonym wrote:For a while I wasn't sure how to answer this, and then I thought "What would Batman do?" Excuse me while I find a warehouse with a skylight...
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1206956) wrote:The Amped games are fun
Half Life 2
Doom 3
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Knights of the Old Republic I and II
(I can't remember all the games I had, but those are the ones I like now.)
Grubb wrote:Dues ex 2 is great too
Shao Feng-Li wrote:Deus Ex: Invisible War
Actually, a better move would be to grab the Orange Box for PC, which includes Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1 and 2, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. $50, but you can probably find it for a less expensive price.
[SIZE="7"][color="MediumTurquoise"]Cobalt Figure 8[/color][/SIZE]UC Pseudonym wrote:For a while I wasn't sure how to answer this, and then I thought "What would Batman do?" Excuse me while I find a warehouse with a skylight...
GrubbTheFragger (post: 1207006) wrote:Be warned about Doom 3's content it gets pretty graphic and demonic later on in the game
everdred12a (post: 1207055) wrote:Never got to play it, but Deux Ex is one of my favorite games of all time. I really wish I could play IW, though :x
Scarecrow (post: 1207777) wrote:Oh ya I've been meaning to get Eternal Sonata.... thats the one where you're Chopan, the famous composer right? I've never played it but the concept sounded awesome. Chopan on his death bed and and the whole game takes place in the last dream he has as he's dying or something like that.
Umm... I don't really have any suggestions though. Assassin's Creed is also available on Xbox360... thats a pretty awesome game I haven't seen that mentioned yet.
Ok so you said Xbox XD Ignore above. Shenmue II, Morrowind, Fable... Monster Hunter if you like going around killing huge dragons. It used to have a lot of people to team with online and this HUGE black dragon only available at the highest level and online but not many play online anymore. But it's still pretty fun trying to figure out how to kill each dragon.
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