ChristianKitsune wrote:What
AWESOME TESTIMONY. WOW How amazing that God revealed that to you, Seleana! How cool.
I almost started crying as I read this...for I have a very close friend who JUST accepted Christ like a year ago...and he is gay.. I don't know what to say around him or anything, but this gives me a lot of hope. I mean he isn't any less of a person for being this way...but I wonder does being this hinder a close relationship with God? This has been something that I have been wondering. Because I really want my friend to be as happy about Christ as I am...but maybe that will come with time?
Thanks for sharing this, Seleana! ^_^
K. Ayato wrote:Bring out the dancing bananas!!!
Now, everybody, all together! "Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!"
Sorry it's so random, but I'm just in a crazy hyper mood to celebrate. Kudos to you, Seleana. Thanks for sharing. That was AWESOME!
Seleana wrote:I suppose it depends on the person. With me... I tried not to think of homosexuality as something that was stapled on my eyelids and always there, and more of an inborn trait. I know that's not true now, but I know a huge problem for many gays interested in Christianity is that they see their sexuality as a wall between them and God.
I had a lot of really AWESOME Christians in my life from CAA and from a few places in real life, so I wasn't affected by this "wall thing" very much, but I know that many are. A lot of Christians-- not all of us, but still, quite a number, forget that we should never hate the Sinner, but only the sin. Because of this, a lot of gay Christians or gays interested in seeking Christ feel it's pointless to look for Christ, because either way, they're going to hell.
They don't know about stories like mine, I guess, or are stubborn like I was...
^_^;; Sorry that I'm rambling like this, but what I'm saying is that it really depends on your friend and his situation. I hope you understand what i'm saying.
USSRGirl wrote:Wow, I just wanna say that your testimony has really inspired me, Seleana. I remember reading one of your posts about the homosexuality issue (I never commented much because it looked like you had more than enough comments as it was and I didn't wanna get into mudslinging debates XD) and even further back your post saying you were leaving CAA. Just hearing that from you now is really... wow. And I sound like a moron because I can't think of anything else to say but wow. XD
This is such a great testimonial for anyone who doubts that God is actively working in people and will sort at all the things in your life in His time - and for all those "Christians" who all but say God gives up on certain people. I also second AsianBlossom - I'm always skeptical of how homosexual teens claim to be and how much of it is just something they picked up from peer pressure or friends or whatever. Sometimes it's just a matter of growing up and having God drop a cute bishie in your path.
Great story, girl.
termyt wrote:That is a beautiful story - and well written, too. I'm sure you do well in Creative Writing.
I believe yours is the kind of story God likes to tell time and time again. It’s amazing the effect He can have on your life when you honestly and truly seek Him.
I’m afraid we, who proclaim to be His children, do a very poor job of introducing people to Him. We tend to flavor His message with our own ideas and politics. But God is so much bigger than that. Thank God for you, Selena. I fear your struggles are not quite over yet, but He will guide you through them.
Seleana wrote:I'm human, and a Detroiter-- my struggles are NEVER over. XD
ChristianKitsune wrote:What
AWESOME TESTIMONY. WOW How amazing that God revealed that to you, Seleana! How cool.
I almost started crying as I read this...for I have a very close friend who JUST accepted Christ like a year ago...and he is gay.. I don't know what to say around him or anything, but this gives me a lot of hope. I mean he isn't any less of a person for being this way...but I wonder does being this hinder a close relationship with God? This has been something that I have been wondering. Because I really want my friend to be as happy about Christ as I am...but maybe that will come with time?
Thanks for sharing this, Seleana! ^_^
josh_manga wrote:That is an awesome testimony indeed! Praise God for it!
I have a brother (and i use the term in the surrogate sense of the word) who was gay. We met him at our church, and i bet he'd have a thing or two to say on the subject, but i don't really know, so i won't presume to speak for him. Anyway, Godspeed through highschool and college (or are you in college now? i got lost on that point) and i hope you find your man someday. Our Father's blessings and strength on you as you fight the good fight in the name of the Spirit each day. I know you'll need it, i need it too.
Quick aside on the gay christian topic, my own view. From what i've read of scripture, there is only one unpardonable sin, and homosexuality isn't it. Those who remain in sin, unrepentant will have some reckoning in the hereafter, we are still judged acoording to our works, but our works will not earn us salvation. Liars can be saved, killers can be saved, adulterers can be saved. One of the saddest sights i've ever seen was at a funeral for a christian young man who died in the service of the military in Iraq, and there were people from that church in Arkansas or Kansas (i forget now) who were preaching that he died because America has gays in the army, and that God hates gays. That just made me sick. Homosexuals can be saved, it is a sin, but it is also covered by the Blood of the Lamb, all debt is paid, and all transgressions are atoned for. What you do afterward is still your choice though, and you ought to choose to conform to the image of Christ. (sorry, i'm using 'you' as a general statement). I guess what i'm saying is, all sins are equal, and we shouldn't be casting stones, only encourage each other to be overcomers, not to dwell in the sins that Christ died for.
Donno if i'm gonna catch flack for saying all this, just wanted to get it out. I know homosexuals think poorly of the church, but the church has made a pretty bad example of itself in turn. Both sides are getting the criticism that they deserve, but it's all vain anyway, because criticism just leads to hardened hearts, on both sides.
Edit: I said I'd come back to it at the end, so keeping this short, I'll just say that I do think it could be possible to be gay and Christian, if God wanted you to be gay. However, the Word makes it pretty clear that he doesn't want it that way, so it isn't possible. I mean, a gay person can become a Christian, but I'm almost certian that down the road at some point they'd experience what I did and become straight. I have no evidence, of course...
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