Aria/Aqua Manga Question

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Aria/Aqua Manga Question

Postby yukoxholic » Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:02 pm

Hello, I'm actually new to! (+insert plug here+) I love this site it gives great reviews on best selling anime and manga as well as details what each series contains /end plug :)

But I was wondering if anyone had started reading Aria or it's prequeal Aqua. I had started the Aria series when it debuted in 2004 (I think!) and was published under ADV Manga, listed at ALL AGES. Though it was dropped by the licenser shortly after. I'm happy to announce that this manga was picked up again by Tokyopop and the first two volumes of Aqua are out as well as the first volume of Aria. The only thing that irks me is Aria on Tokyopop is rated Older Teens whereas Aqua on Tokyopop is rated 13 and older...

I was wondering if anyone here had read possibly the Japanese versions of this title or other variants because I really wanted to continue this series as well as recommend it to my younger sister who is now just getting into manga since when I first began to read this there was nothing objectionable at all in this series! but I am doubtful I will do so with this rating!

Any, at all feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! :thumb:
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Postby LadyRushia » Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:34 pm

I own the first volume of Aqua, and the only thing that I found a bit troubling was one female character's fascination with another female character, though I prefer to look at is as a "Omigosh she's so cool" kind of thing. I don't think you'll have much luck finding out more information given that it's practically an unknown series.
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Postby yukoxholic » Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:02 pm

Thanks for the reply!

Yeah, that's what I thought! I've been scouring the net for reviews on the Aria manga and the reviews seem to be positive ones saying that it's "all ages" but I don't know. That 16 and up rating is just annoying me >___< How can something jump that drastically in age range.

Yes, I noticed that as well in Aqua but like you said I think it's more of an admiration thing.
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Postby Aileen Kailum » Wed Jan 23, 2008 5:36 pm

I think the 16+ rating must be a mistake on the Tokyopop website. Have you checked out the book in a store?

I've got the ADV version of Aria and, from what I remember, there wasn't anything objectionable. Unless the series takes a nose-dive after the first volume, the rating doesn't make any sense.
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Postby yukoxholic » Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:42 am

Aileen Kailum (post: 1194117) wrote:I think the 16+ rating must be a mistake on the Tokyopop website. Have you checked out the book in a store?

I've got the ADV version of Aria and, from what I remember, there wasn't anything objectionable. Unless the series takes a nose-dive after the first volume, the rating doesn't make any sense.

Yes, I did actually go to a local bookstore and saw that the rating was OT just like it stated on their website.

I just can't get over it. It makes me wonder what they've added to it that would premit them to keep it at an Older Teen rating. That may have been one of the reasons ADV dropped it but that's doubtful. The story itself from what I read on wikipedia doesn't warrent that kind of rating. On certain fansites now that I've looked people like to speculate their own opinions of the relationships between characters but say, "There's nothing in this manga that happens and it's all speculation."

It's just one of those weird, unexplainable things at the moment until more volumes are released >___< but thanks so much for your reply!

I suppose this will be a 'read-in-store' pick unless someone has read the Japanese volumes! ^_^;;
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Postby ranma8 » Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:24 pm

This series should NOT be rated OT (granted, I've only read the first three volumes. But still, I can't imagine anything innapropriate happening in later volumes.)! Note that TOKYOPOP recently changed their ratings to be extra strict.
The only possible offensive material is a hotsprings scene in the second volume. It hardly seemed like fanservice, though. Barely any skin is shown in the hotsprings chapter. It wasn't anything worse than something you would see in Totoro or Cardcaptor Sakura.
I would recommend buying Aria for your sis. Just make sure that after you give her the first three volumes to check each manga just in case.
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Postby yukoxholic » Fri Jan 25, 2008 11:55 am

ranma8 (post: 1194371) wrote:This series should NOT be rated OT (granted, I've only read the first three volumes. But still, I can't imagine anything innapropriate happening in later volumes.)! Note that TOKYOPOP recently changed their ratings to be extra strict.
The only possible offensive material is a hotsprings scene in the second volume. It hardly seemed like fanservice, though. Barely any skin is shown in the hotsprings chapter. It wasn't anything worse than something you would see in Totoro or Cardcaptor Sakura.
I would recommend buying Aria for your sis. Just make sure that after you give her the first three volumes to check each manga just in case.

Thanks so much for the reply! I actually did my in-store read today of the first Aria book issued by Tokyopop. ^__^ There wasn't anything in it at all aside from the usage of one swear word. I really enjoyed the volume as well!

Really? They changed there rating system? I hadn't heard anything about that! The only thing I noticed beneath the "OT" Rating was a brief summary of what is contained in this volume: Mild Language (the one swear word), Mild Alcohol Use (There was none in the volume) and Non-Sexual Realted Nudity (there wasn't one scene that depicted any nudity whatsoever! and there was even changing scenes in this volume!) you may have hit on something there! Must be the rating change.

On a side-note: I did pick up volume seven of Sgt Frog today. It's another of my in-store reads and the old 13 and up rating that used to be on this manga was changed to Older Teen, though this manga should've been rated that to be begin with as it progressed... :D

So, I just want to thank you again for sharing about the Tokyopop Rating change! :)
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Postby AsianBlossom » Fri Jan 25, 2008 7:28 pm that the one series with the girl in pink and aqua on the cover? If so, I might've picked it up and looked at it, but not really gone through it too much. The story sounded interesting though.

And welcome to the CAA! :D

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Postby yukoxholic » Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:41 pm

AsianBlossom (post: 1194711) that the one series with the girl in pink and aqua on the cover? If so, I might've picked it up and looked at it, but not really gone through it too much. The story sounded interesting though.

And welcome to the CAA! :D

Aqua (Rated 13 and up) is the prequeal before the Aria( Rated Older Teen but nothing is in the first volume whatsoever!) series. I've read the first volume of Aqua, it was like a breath of fresh air! The art is beautiful and the story though simplistic is very well written about day to day life. I've reread the volume twice already I love it so much! ^__^

And thank you for the warm welcome! :)
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Postby AsianBlossom » Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:25 pm

You're welcome! :)

So, what is that coveted job she wants, exactly?

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Postby yukoxholic » Mon Feb 04, 2008 4:53 am

AsianBlossom (post: 1194943) wrote:You're welcome! :)

So, what is that coveted job she wants, exactly?

Oh! Well, in Aqua she came to Neo-Venezia (The town it's set in) with only the desire to become an Undine (which is a tour-guide gondolier). That than changed once she figured out the rankings and such.

The coveted title though toward the end of Aqua and start of Aria is to become a Prima which is the highest Undine position. It is when the Undine no longer has to wear gloves to row the gondola (i.e: they row so wonderfully they no longer have calloused or blistered hands any longer!) or have someone from the company in her gondola.

I loved the first two volumes of Aqua translated. I have already reread them about 3 times already. It is such a great, relaxing, story! I have also read Aria the first volume translated in it's entirety and that pick up to where Aqua left us was awesome! It still bugs me though about the 16 and up rating when Aria clearly had nothing aside from 2 swear words in it but with that said other volumes may get worse...:shady: But I am still hoping it maintains it's cleanliness. :)

I am also looking forward to future volumes of Aria. :thumb:

Sorry for the late response!

P.S: Where you the one who had a Strawberry Marshmallow thread? If so I did post to it, I don't know if you've already seen it/read it or if you've already made up your mind on whether you will be watching the anime. ^__^
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Postby AsianBlossom » Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:57 pm

Cool...a gondolier...I think I should check that out.

And yes, I was the one in the Strawberry Marshmallow thread. I've read the first two books, and think it's kind of cute, but what really turned me off was when Nobue cursed God's name in the second book, when she said they were going to protect Matsuri's "*** **** childhood innocence." Yeah, that's pretty much the only kind of swearing that really bothers me, the kind that includes God's name. But other than that the series was cute.

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Postby yukoxholic » Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:12 am

AsianBlossom (post: 1197064) wrote:Cool...a gondolier...I think I should check that out.

And yes, I was the one in the Strawberry Marshmallow thread. I've read the first two books, and think it's kind of cute, but what really turned me off was when Nobue cursed God's name in the second book, when she said they were going to protect Matsuri's "*** **** childhood innocence." Yeah, that's pretty much the only kind of swearing that really bothers me, the kind that includes God's name. But other than that the series was cute.

Yeah, so far I think it's a pretty interesting series that doesn't rely on mecha, magical girl transformation, or parody gags! It's a nice 'getaway' of sorts from other titles out to buy. The only thing I'd suggest is to flip through the volumes before buying due to the rating it was given by Tokyopop (though when ADV had the license it was ALL AGES). I've read (and own!) all the volumes that are currently out for Aqua (ends at 2 volumes) and Aria (Only a few more months until the 2nd installation!) and there is nothing in it besides maybe 4 curse words all together, none of those being the Lord's name taken in vain. :)

Strawberry Marshmallow manga was kind of extreme for me as well the anime is waaay water down compared to it's book adaptation!
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