Mave wrote:
Has this dude openly bashed other monotheistic religions such as Islam? I mean, if he hates religion and the idea of God so much, he might as well go all the way...
Mave wrote:I'm usually open to not-so-Christian-friendly stuff but I think I'll skip this one.
Mave wrote:Has this dude openly bashed other monotheistic religions such as Islam? I mean, if he hates religion and the idea of God so much, he might as well go all the way...
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:What does an atheist like him do to share his belief? Show the other guys in a negative light -_-
Alexander wrote:Sadly, considering I always read the book before seeing the film, and because the books are no good for you if you're a Christian, this is a double bad situation for me.
Ah well, such is how it is. I'll politely skip this series and read something else.
rocklobster wrote:The Da Vinci Code's success has made Hollywood more daring. Where's a thunderbolt when we need one?
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:That being said, I hope that the Watchmen movie will retain the same ending that occurred in the novel. Hollywood needs to step up and take bigger risks and express new ideas without having to be worried of what "the masses" will think.
well plugged in online i believe is there to tell all. Especially for parents who may not want their little one's exposed to that sort of stuff (drinking, smoking, sex inuendo, etc). Yes they do go a tad overboard sometimes, but I find them quite informative.
Nate wrote:Let me put it this way. They marked down a movie about Jesus's life because young Jesus wandered away from His parents to go to the temple, if you all remember. They said it could inspire rebellion in children.
YEAH. Wrap your head around THAT one.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:But they don't review realistically. They review as if your family is made up of mum and dad and really young kids, like 5 year olds.
mitsuki lover wrote:First you shouldn't bash the studio making the movie.It's part of their buisness to create movies from various sources.Some of them will be agreeable to some people and others will be agreeable to other people.
They can't please everyone all the time.If you sit down and think about it
the scriptwriters who worked on the film had to have a general knoweldge of the books in order to do a good job.
I think Pullman might have had something about it on his website the last time I looked it up.
Second,yes it might have a message that we might not agree with,but on the other hand there is no such thing as a messageless movie these days.
Third,the movie has to be judged on it's own merits and from the trailers they have shown in the tv ads it looks pretty good.I would say that it is
a step ahead of 'Beowulf' or '300' at least it is something you can take the family to.
Fourth,I think the same movie company as another movie out called
'The Water Horse'.
Danderson wrote:from a perspective that is definetly What Would Jesus Watch....
I thought their review of the books was pretty straightforward and definetly makes u think twice before going to see the movie.....
i'll skip it if just to keep from helping this jerk's agenda.
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