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Postby insanewitapen » Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:05 pm

NIIIINEEE! Basically for ALL the same reasons Lunis said before me.

-Beautiful Graphics/Style
-Beautiful Music I still love listening to even now.
-Insanely fun standard FF gameplay. (Especially the fighting system! <3 )
-ZIDANE!!!/Awesome Characters (even Quina was useful!!)
NO CONSTANTLY EMO CHARACTERS!!! (that pretty much won my heart right there...not even Amarant or Freya were depressed all the time)
-Kuja was evil, narcistic, girly (pro/con?), and just down right interesting. You actually got to SEE and KNOW his story! He was just so darn likeable in his insanity. (Plus Garland rocked too with his own story and that old guy.)
-CHOCOBO HOT AND COLD FOR THE WIN!!! And all the other waste hours on addictive end mini games and extra areas.
-A focussed 'save the world' game but with just the right touch of romance between Zidane and Garnet. XD

The one con - those darn little goat monster things on the one island. *has yet to beat one even after playing the game to death*

Edit: Whoops! Old thread~ Looks like someone went grave digging. *apologizes*
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Oct 23, 2007 2:32 pm

I will have to restrain myself and avoid wasting too much time discussing FF here.

Lunis on FFIX wrote:Pretty simple, and I actually had some fun equipping people and deciding what ability I should level for whom.

I wish the fun aspect of this lasted longer. For me, at least, I systematically had everyone learn everything and midway through the game they were barely learning any skills (except for unique items I had to shuffle between people).

Lunis on FFVII wrote:As for the world, it's too dark and dirty for my tastes. And the graphics are crap.

The first several hours are all in one city on the entire world map. The rest has more variety and some nice locations, though I agree the overall vibe is darker.

But for graphics, think about the jump between VI and VII. It's huge. However, I do feel that the sprites of older games have a more "polished" feel than the rough 3D of VII or VIII.

Lunis on FFX wrote:Kimahri (sp?) is useless

But did I mention this game is HARD?! I can't remember all the bosses I got stuck at! In fact, I'm STILL stuck on Yunalesca!

And Blitzball loses SO BAD.

The storyline isn't all that fantastic, either. WAY too much confusion about what's what and what we should do. Let's all just wander around aimlessly, for all the we can get decided.

In order to cut down on quote tags, I'll respond respectively:

Kimahri is neutral, not useless. You can potentially make him into a copy of any other character. For this reason I don't like him, but he held up his end in my party.

Perhaps you found it hard because you didn't like the levelling system? I found the difficulty level overall to be somewhat low (and near the end if you can break the damage limit it's just ridiculous). Yunalesca is a bit tricky, though]I keep getting the un-ignorable vibe of Star Wars. Do not want. If I wanted a Star Wars game, I would get a Star Wars game. Don't mix Star Wars with Final Fantasy.[/quote]
That goes away after the opening, but I know what you mean. All in all, I found it to be an enjoyable game with decent characters, so give it another shot sometime.

insanewitapen on FFIX wrote:The one con - those darn little goat monster things on the one island. *has yet to beat one even after playing the game to death*

Are you getting killed or blown away? The easiest way to take them out is to put them asleep (Quina can cast Night, for example). But regardless of strategy, the objective is to take them out fast with 9999-damage hits. Steiner's Shock or some of Zidane's attacks work well for this.
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Postby Monkey J. Luffy » Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:22 pm

I just have to say 4 for one reason. It's the one I got closest to beating. I've always liked the 2D ones better anyways.
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