uc pseudonym wrote:You thought so? This book, for me, redeemed him as my favorite character.
[spoiler]No, I find him to be a jerk because he's so manipulative... He's trying to have this perfect clockwork series of events, and he puts so much faith in his "strong hunches", in the end, he really was gambling the whole time... And the way he treated Snape... I mean, yeah, Snape was sort of a jerk, too, but Dumbledore has seen so much and has so much greater of a view of what's happening, he should know better than to treat Snape the way he did...[/spoiler]
As for dumbledore
[spoiler] The mere mention of someone being gay doesn't mean too much... he was gay and manipulative, Harry was rebelious and arrogant, Snape was bitter and vengeful, Hermione was a bit full of herself and overly skeptical, Ron was a bit of a Chameleon and wishy washy... The only one that comes out of this really looking good is Neville... Well, that's an exaggeration, but still... It's full of partially negative characters (gray hats?) with a good message behind the story... Whether Rowling is ok with Homosexuality or not (she probably is) it doesn't factor into the story in an approving or disapproving way, but just that it is... I've actually planned on doing the same thing with one of my stories for a long time, because a chronic liar or thief or promiscuous straight man or backbiter are really all on the same page, but that doesn't mean a story shouldn't feature people like that, or even go out of its way all the time to make those people look entirely negative... Sometimes it's appropriate to just let people act like people, potential faults and all... Granted, I've been around when the discussion got onto, say, language and I can see this going a similar direction, so I promise not to answer if it goes that way longer than one more post[/spoiler]
In other news, I listen to Pottercast all the time. They go on and on and on about how wonderful a person Rowling is, and one of their frequent contributers and guest commenters is the guy who made the Harry Potter lexicon, which makes this news a bit ironic...
http://www.reuters.com/article/peopleNews/idUSN3133972420071031Methinks the power has gone to her head...
And why didn't I put the open quotes tag in my last post? Gah!