Korn - Untitled

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Korn - Untitled

Postby The Liar XIII » Fri Aug 03, 2007 5:54 pm

Korn's new album is on its way!
It is a great album.. I already got it.. *cough* torrents *cough* ;)

But either way, Its fricken amazing! I absolutely love it!
The tracks are:

1. Intro
2. Starting Over
3. ***** We Got A Problem (AWESOME SONG!!)
4. Evolution
5. Hold On
6. Kiss
7. Do What They Say
8. Ever Be
9. Love And Luxury
10. Innocent Bystander
11. Killing
12. Hushabye
13. I Will Protect You

Any Korn fans exited about the news?
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Postby Tommy » Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:27 pm

Dude, Jam Session.




fricken amazing!

I can do that too.

Black. White.
Slow. Fast.
Fat. Skinny.

I'm just kidding.
I'll give this CD a chance.
I've just never been a Korn fan.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:05 pm

Yeah. You're new, and I know it's a little difficult to know, initially, what should go where, so don't worry too much about misplacing this thread. In the future, though, try to look around a little before placing a thread. Thanks!
Every year in Uganda, innumerable children simply. . . disappear. These children all stolen under the cover of darkness from their homes and impressed into the guerilla armies of the LRA [Lord's Resistance Army]. In the deserts of Uganda, they are forced to witness the mindless slaughter of other children until they themselves can do nothing but kill. Kill. These children, generally ranging from ages 5-12, are brainwashed into murdering in the name of the resistance and into stealing other children from their beds to suffer the same fate.

Because of this genocide of innocence, hundred and hundreds of children live every night sleeping in public places miles from their homes, because they know that if the do not-- they will disappear. They will become just another number in this genocide to which the international community has chosen to turn a blind eye. They will become, in affect, invisible-- Invisible Children.

But there are those who are trying to fight against this slaughter of Uganda's children. They fight to protect these "invisible children." Please, help them help a country full of children who know nothing by fear. Help save the innocence. For more information concerning how you can help and how you can get an incredible video about this horrific reality, visit the Invisible Children home page.
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Postby Eric » Mon Aug 06, 2007 2:29 am

Snipped by Osaka: Wow. That was completely unnecessary, offensive, and harsh. Everyone on CAA is entitled to their own opinions, and no opinion (when it refers to taste) is any more or less legitimate than anyone elses. To participate on this board, you must be willing to respect the opinions of others and treat others with gentleness. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in strikes or (if these offenses are numerous) banning.

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Postby Kkun » Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:28 am

Eric wrote:Snipped by Osaka: Wow. That was completely unnecessary, offensive, and harsh. Everyone on CAA is entitled to their own opinions, and no opinion (when it refers to taste) is any more or less legitimate than anyone elses. To participate on this board, you must be willing to respect the opinions of others and treat others with gentleness. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in strikes or (if these offenses are numerous) banning.

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Well, that was unnecessary!
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Postby Tommy » Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:01 am

Eric wrote:Snipped by Osaka: Wow. That was completely unnecessary, offensive, and harsh. Everyone on CAA is entitled to their own opinions, and no opinion (when it refers to taste) is any more or less legitimate than anyone elses. To participate on this board, you must be willing to respect the opinions of others and treat others with gentleness. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in strikes or (if these offenses are numerous) banning.

This post will discussed by the staff.

Um, Korn has had some okay singles.

And, anarchy is the root of one of my favorite: Punk.
The Clash, The Ramones, ect.
I'm glad there are good Christian alternatives and good ways to rebel for the reason.
Read Flatfoot56's lyrics, for example.
They rebel against the world.

IMO, bashing the user was a little unnecessary.
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Postby The Liar XIII » Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:01 am

Yeah.. Thats not cool..
I really like Anarchy.. And just because I have that in my name, doesn't mean I live by it.. I just find it interesting..

Because I'm evil (:lol:)
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Postby ilikegir33 » Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:29 pm

Well I've never been a Korn fan either.
:dizzy: [color="Orange"]People are so crazy these days. If you are one of those crazy ppl, then copy this into your sig![/color]:dizzy:
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