GUH! i hate it. D:

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GUH! i hate it. D:

Postby chibiphonebooth » Sat Jul 21, 2007 9:13 pm

(mods, i didn't know exactly where to put this... so... yeah.)

So um, I'm aggravated. I just needed a place to rant.


So there was this kid on DA who kept bashing one of my fave digital artists. He was saying she photomanipulates and splices and stuff like that. He just was just obsessed. He posted to every single comment on her pictures.

it just makes me so angry when someone gets jealous or something, and completely bashes.

so so what if she photo manipulates? it's still considered art. There are art classes for that.
And so what if she gets pictures and stuff and uses them? to me, Art is whatever evokes emotion. D:<

I understand that he was mad that maybe, if she actually did get pictures or photomanipulates, she was saying that she was digitally drawing them and never said that she photomanipulates... but still. you dont need to get SO angry that you post to every single comment on her pictures. Just leave her alone.

he was even claiming that God told him to do that and expose her. e.e

for one thing, i just want to say, after reading a lot of this person's replies to people on a forum and on DA, i just want to say that CAA is so nice. ;-;

everyone is nice here. XD


the end.

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:30 am

not exactly sure this is the place to post this XDD

Anyways, I know what you, mean, Chibi and for the most part you aren't wrong...however...

The artist the guy started posting about wasn't completely honest either. She was claiming that everything she did was entirely hers. But it wasn't.. she DID take things from places that she should have CREDITED. That's called copyright infringement, it's not about jealously or anythng, the lady is VERY talented...but her talent isn' t honest.

Here is something that she did:

Here we have an orignal photo from a magazine cover...A MAGAZINE cover...something that is copyrighted..

and here is what she did:

Same dress, different person, BUT STILL she should have said "Hey this dress isn't mine, I didn't paint this... I got it from this magazine. And she should have gotten permission. She was making MONEY off of other's work. THATS WRONG. Now if it was only for fun, then no big deal..but seriously!

How would you like it if someone took your stuff without asking?! D: I wouldn't like it, heck I freaked out a couple days ago because I saw a decal that looked like something I DID. I contacted the people who distributed it, and it was just a huge coincedence...but still... it's not take things without asking... ^^;

He spammed a good friends' of mine's page...and I don't like him for that...but the lady isn't an honest artist...I am sorry...but it's true.. I took a look at her work...and she did steal a lot of photos that she really should have credited....

but she is very good though! D:

But keep this in mind: Photomanipulation is only considered art if it's asked about, or Freeuse...this wasn't free use...this was copyright infringment..

I remember once I just wanted to use the image of Popeye in my non-profite School newspaper for a cartoon...I had to contact King Features Syndicate for their permission...they let me have it, but I almost had to pay for it. ^^;
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Postby mechana2015 » Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:29 am


If she is photomanipulating.

What she's doing is illegal and hazardous to whatever art career she had going before.

I don't agree with the method of confronting the artist, by whoever it was, BUT she can not use those images without permission (if she didn't origionally take them), especially since (in the case of the example) they arn't stock. All images are copywritten to the creator on moment of creation and use is from then on pending permission of the creator. Most stock photo even has a few caveats attached, such as no selling of work without paying the creator or somethign along those lines.

On top of that, I'm sure if she wanted to she could have produced this imagery herself... and outside of that I'll stay out of critique mode.

The background on my take?

We have been informed at school several times where people have used other peoples images in artwork and it has destroyed whole design studios due to the ensuing lawsuits and legal actions. In a professional sense, getting caught ripping copywritten art will get you fired, sued, and never hired again, since there is a blacklist in the professional world.

Even using others work in the student realm (even in photomanipulation) and passing it off as your own can even get you expelled from some schools or failed from classes. On top of that, you'll be infamous among other students who then graduate and take positions, and will eventually be in the position of hiring, and they will remember the first portion of this comment.

Ripping art only works if you are very very very famous, and give credit to the original, as Andy Warhol did, otherwise, its just dangerous.

I know this sounds harsh, but this is what I've been taught by many many professionals in the art and design fields.

If its digital painting, caution should still be involved because many of the same rules exist, and if you replicate too well you run into very shakey legal ground.

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Jul 22, 2007 2:42 am

Yeah, I hope we aren't hurting your feelings, Savvy, she is a very talented person...

we just hope that you realize that this is very illegal stuff...:/ I wish that she had more original stuff in her arsenal, but with an artist as dishonest as can she be called an artist?

She could be sued so badly, it's not even funny...-_- and that's sad...apparently she is a photoshop teacher....

Art is about expression, and I agree with Mechana about how she could have probably recreated this stuff on her own, if she was as talented as she appears to be...

She just really cheapened her artwork..

and it's not about jealousy! If any of us worked hard enough, we could probably achieve her level...
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Sun Jul 22, 2007 10:59 am

no, my feelings aren't hurt.

I was more talking about the way this guy is going about it. He should message her personally if he has a problem with it.

He's commenting on all her art pieces. spamming.

He is also saying God told him to expose her. =A=

i was just getting really fed up with him. i think her art is beautiful.
it's disappointing that maybe she does do copyright infringment. I'm not trying to defend her in that.

but i learned a lot in her tutorials and such.

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:05 am

yeah I agree, he spammed my friend's page pretty badly, It was VERY annoying, let me say I agree with you in that aspect. ^^

he shoudln't have spammed the way he did. that's for sure.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:06 am

who is your friend?

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