Sony's E3 showings

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Sony's E3 showings

Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:35 pm

Holy freaking crap... Killzone 2... The actual gameplay, not prerendered... The single most impressive looking game I've ever seen... Wow...

Sony's E3 showing this year completely took the show... First Killzone, then a final announcement of MGS4 exclusivity, then the new PSP... It's got freaking TV outputs! Portable ops on a big screen!

I'm getting a new PSP, come september... I need to have the TV outputs! That is the biggest thing my PSP is missing, honestly... The longer battery life, reorganized buttons (it looks like start and select are in a better place, now...) and smaller size are ok, but Oh, man, I finally have a portable video player that completely matches up with the iPod video... Bigger screen, comparable battery life (with the new model) and TV output...

The silver PSP is cool... It's about time they get other colors in the US... I'd rather see, ya know, COLORS than silver and black, but it's a start... Also, since I nicknamed my PS3 "Darth Vader", it would be sort of cool to get that darth vader special edition PSP to go with it...

I know a few people who held back on a PSP because they hate portables, and want the games on a big screen... ARK!! With TV outputs, you have one less reason to hate it!

Oh, man... my replacement can't come back fast enough... I'm so excited!

I missed most of the show because I was in school... Darn it... Hope the whole thing is for download somewhere... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:52 pm

Bobtheduck wrote:
I'm getting a new PSP, come september... I need to have the TV outputs! That is the biggest thing my PSP is missing, honestly... The longer battery life, reorganized buttons (it looks like start and select are in a better place, now...) and smaller size are ok, but Oh, man, I finally have a portable video player that completely matches up with the iPod video... Bigger screen, comparable battery life (with the new model) and TV output...

The silver PSP is cool... It's about time they get other colors in the US... I'd rather see, ya know, COLORS than silver and black, but it's a start...

Blah, this always seems to happen once I get a new system :/ The slimline PS2s came out very shortly after I got my big bulky one (although the plus side is that they have lasting quality, for the most part.) And now, smaller and more durable PSPs :/ I hear the battery life on the regular ones only last for maybe 2 years (depending on game play I guess).

Yess... colours are nice... I think it was Japan that also got white PS3s, but even then not totally colourful. My guess is that colour is more a "kiddie" thing, if anything. Look at Game Boys from the original, to Colour, to Advance, to DS, to DS Lite (which don't even have the light and dark blue Japanese variations >_<) Methinks the colour is more oriented for the more "child-like" consoles, shall I say with the "bigger kid" ones coming in "professional" grey-scale colouring... My guess anyways. I wouldn't mind a metalicy red PSP though... that's not TOO bad in the world of vibrant colours.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:07 pm

Oh, and the Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer and the Echochrome... Echochrome sort of makes Paper Mario and Crush's 3d/2d things look petty... Honestly...

Too bad gametrailers has gone to crap... I would have vids on my PSP right now if they still had them for download...

The dance fight that Raiden has with Vamp was interesting... Way over the top, but it seems Kojima gets more over the top with every release, so it's to be expected.

I wish I could download it... I can't hear sound, but thankfully it was subtitled... I know it has the English voices, the first time that's happened... I'm so excited... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Omega Amen » Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:01 pm

Well, I guess I will trade up to the new PSP since I want better battery life and that video output... I just hope they improved that D-pad as well.

Killzone 2 looks really good... best looking console FPS during its development stage... which makes it scary.... That footage is not even at alpha. That means they have not completed designing the graphics engine, modeling, physics, art, have not completed high-res textures or done their optimization.... Yeah, and they are giving themselves room for a 2008 release. This game could get crazy.

PlayStation Network Store has a lot of its E3 trailers in HD including MGS4 and Killzone 2. I am downloading like mad right now.

If I can make it to this weekend's Gamecast recording, I will give my impressions over Sony's stuff since I am the PS3 and PSP owner in the group. For now, from what I see, I can say any anxiety I had in owning a PS3 and PSP is now completely gone. I feel very happy with my purchases for now and the coming years.

EDIT: Oh yeah, some new Lair screens that look phenomenal.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:20 am

I was ready to pee my pants when watching the MGS4 trailer...

Gosh, I was totally fangirling over everything. The fight between Raiden and Vamp was aweeeesome.

I also found Echo Chrome to be incredibly original-looking. I would definitely buy Echo Chrome if I had a ps3. The E3 Conference hasn't convinced me yet, but I am thinking of purchasing a PS3 within a couple years.

Too bad I sold my xbox360... just before all the good games were coming out.
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Postby Stephen » Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:39 am

I loved the MGS4 Trailer. I love it more when I shut it off around 4 minutes in. Way too much shown of the Raiden Vamp thing. They wasted 3 minutes of trailer, that some of us fans have been waiting a really friggen long time for...for what? Some Capoera? Blah. I still am going to get a PS3 and MGS4...but this trailer was a bit of a let down.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:38 pm

ShatterheartArk wrote:I loved the MGS4 Trailer. I love it more when I shut it off around 4 minutes in. Way too much shown of the Raiden Vamp thing. They wasted 3 minutes of trailer, that some of us fans have been waiting a really friggen long time for...for what? Some Capoera? Blah. I still am going to get a PS3 and MGS4...but this trailer was a bit of a let down.


Well, Portable Ops is an awesome game... Even if MGS4 proves not to be awesome, Portable ops will be awesome and will be fun to play on the big screen with the video output on the new PSP model coming in september... Hint Hint...

Honestly, Ark, you can't go through life being an MGS fan and not playing portable ops due to a hatred for portables... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Jul 12, 2007 12:51 pm

Metal Gear Solid 4 continues to tease me with its expensive allies.
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Postby Link Antilles » Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:36 pm

I'll talk more about this on the Gamecast, but I was a little bit disappointed by all the press conferences. All had their fair share of ups and downs. Sony is a little bit more up there, because of MGS4. That trailers was awesome... despite it feeling way to short.

Not sure how I feel about that Killzone 2 trailer exactly. On the one hand, the visuals were pretty impressive for a game in this stage, but on the other hand, it's Killzone. It's hard for me to get excited about another "three-color-post-apocalyptic" looking game. Almost like I was with Gears of War, I'll probably play it when it's released, but I'm not really waiting on it.

Oh and Echo Chrome makes me smile like Portals did. :)
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Postby Bobtheduck » Thu Jul 12, 2007 4:49 pm

Link Antilles wrote:Not sure how I feel about that Killzone 2 trailer exactly. On the one hand, the visuals were pretty impressive for a game in this stage, but on the other hand, it's Killzone. It's hard for me to get excited about another "three-color-post-apocalyptic" looking game. Almost like I was with Gears of War, I'll probably play it when it's released, but I'm not really waiting on it.

I'll admit killzone gets me excited for incredibly fanboyish reasons...

1. It's the prettiest thing for show on a console, and it's in alpha stage. On PS3... When 360 fans were saying the PS3 was the inferior machine.

2. It's the Halo style (4 player splitscreen, vehicles) multiplayer that may help me get my friends to play on the PS3 instead of just Halo 3 (I know people buying 360 JUST for Halo 3... Seriously)

I honestly didn't buy the first Killzone, and never had much interest in the franchise before that debacle of an E305 showing...

Still, what Killzone meant was the PS3 has power. That's one of the obstacles they need to overcome, the idea that PS3 is not only more expensive, but it's less powerful. The idea caused by half-cheeked ports from 360 that were basically plopped onto the PS3 with no real time spent for optimization (Oblivion notwithstanding) That's why Killzone meant so much. Sony delivered on their promise with it, even if they lied about it in '05.

MGS4... Well, it looks SO MUCH less impressive now that Killzone's been shown... Of course, I'm sure MGS4 will be 10x better as a game, though, so I don't care. MGS3 was FAR from the most impressive looking thing out last gen, but it was by far the best game. It's just MS and Sony have the fight over graphics this gen. It's one battle that they HAVE to fight over since Nintendo grabbed the Casual market completely (and, in turn, all but abandoned the hardcore gamers... Nintendo's hardcore games are token, much like Microsoft's family games and Sony's casual games)

And, yeah, I'm giddy about Echochrome...

EDIT: Holy Crap!!!! So... Wow... I just found out that Warhawk isn't online only, even though it IS multiplayer only... You can do splitscreen offline... Which moved it back to my wanted list... Which is growing bigger by the month...

EDIT 2: Of course, with such an impressive E3 showing, they HAD to screw it up SOMEHOW!! Dropping the emotion engine in favor of 20 extra gigs and a stinking game that they sell at 100 dollars more? Not worth it... Truly... I'm sorry, but I've been spoiled by 99% backwards compatibility... Dropping it to the supposed 88% is not worth it, neither is bringing the price on the PS3 back up to 600 bucks... No one will buy it at that price, and no more exclusives will come to the system.

Anyone who was planning on getting a PS3... Please tell Sony how we feel about this... Tell them they can't screw over their customers AND their third party exclusive makers like this, by essentially SEALING their fate as the lowest selling surviving console by far:

Go there and tell them how you feel! Please... We want PS3 to drop in price, not have things taken away from it that we need and keeping the price the same!! Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Alexander » Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:14 pm

To respond to Sony taking out the 60 GB PS3: Just don't buy the system at it's current price.

Now, I'm a fanboy. A Nintendo fanboy, but I also like to be a realistic one in saying when my own favorite gaming company does something wrong. By all means, I'm very worried about the state of the deep story and rich complex games for the Wii after the showing the year. I still have the big 3 and a number of third parties, but I feel within the next few years those types of games are going to be fewer and fewer. With Wii Fit being the main attraction at Nintendo's E3 conference especially.

(Any chance we could turn this thread into an overall E3 2007 discussion Bobtheduck?)

As for Sony, I might as well give my opinion. I'm a gamer, but I don't have the greatest amount of funds to spend on gaming. Most of the time I go bargain hunting on Ebay just because of the high prices. When it comes to consoles and handhelds, I simply can't afford anything above $300. So if Nintendo went off to make a $400-$600 machine, I would wait for the price drop. This is only an opinion, but I also believe that for such high prices, a gaming machine should use that money to put all of it's strength into gaming. If I'm paying extra for a movie player/computer/toaster I want it as an option, not for it to be forced on me.

So, my response is this: Sony, you decided on what you decided. But I and many other people can't afford it. And you're going to suffer the consequences.

After all, the same happened to the Sega Saturn.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:29 pm

Sure, I guess it can be an overall E3 discussion, though I'm pretty sure the consensus was "Sony's won, MS was too basic and boring, Nintendo's was lame"

Sony is, of course, allergic to good news, so the 60 gig phase out had to come around... Making Microsoft's the best lingering flavor... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Nightshade X » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:47 am

It's a shame. I was so excited about the $100 price drop, then the news came along about this crap. Now, I despise both Sony and Microsoft. Sony because of this crap... and Microsoft because of the fanboys.
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Postby Alexander » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:19 am

Bobtheduck wrote:Sony is, of course, allergic to good news, so the 60 gig phase out had to come around... Making Microsoft's the best lingering flavor...

Well, in my opinion, the 7th generation overall seems like it's going to be hard for all "hardcore" gamers. The Xbox 360 is unappealing to me for it's hard ware failures, the PS3 has no games I'm interested in and it's too expensive, and the Wii while my first choice will be suffering from a lack of complete focus on my type of gaming.

Maybe it's time I go off to buy some legacy systems eh?
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:08 am

XD I thought Microsoft did good in this round!
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Postby MasterDias » Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:20 pm

Alexander wrote:Well, in my opinion, the 7th generation overall seems like it's going to be hard for all "hardcore" gamers. The Xbox 360 is unappealing to me for it's hard ware failures, the PS3 has no games I'm interested in and it's too expensive, and the Wii while my first choice will be suffering from a lack of complete focus on my type of gaming.

Maybe it's time I go off to buy some legacy systems eh?

Non necessarily. While it's true that we will likely see a number of games geared towards casual gamers, I'd assume that most of Nintendo's established series will still be heavily geared towards their traditional audience. Keep in mind that most of the anticipated Wii games still haven't come out yet. Metriod Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl all hit later this year.
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Postby Alexander » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:37 pm

MasterDias wrote:Non necessarily. While it's true that we will likely see a number of games geared towards casual gamers, I'd assume that most of Nintendo's established series will still be heavily geared towards their traditional audience. Keep in mind that most of the anticipated Wii games still haven't come out yet. Metriod Prime 3: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl all hit later this year.

Tis true. I've been running around like a fan boy all day squeeing in joy after watching someone play as Samus IN HER SHIP! OHMIGOSH! XD

But what I'm trying to say is, the days of when a major traditional (including Wii controlled games) being the main focus of a gaming company might be numbered in the future. I still will hold true to Nintendo because I do believe I'll get the gaming I want. Besides, while others might disagree with me, the amount of third-party games coming out this year are too yummy for me to pass.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:16 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:XD I thought Microsoft did good in this round!

Only by default, for the Sony screw-up with the 60 gig phase out and Nintendo's crapping on the hardcores...

Oh, and someone told me that wii-fit reminded them of something that's over a decade old... Right... DDR, without the fun. Nintendo blew this one. Microsoft won by default because Sony had a killer showing and blew it with post-e3 news...

As for Nintendo, E3 gave off the vibes they care very little about the hardcore games... Metroid, Smash Brothers, Mario galaxy... Nothing else was even mentioned... Watch this movie なう。 It's legal, free... And it's more than its premise. It's not saying Fast Food is good food. Just watch it.
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Postby Nate » Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:53 pm

Alexander wrote:Besides, while others might disagree with me, the amount of third-party games coming out this year are too yummy for me to pass.

I'd like to disagree with you, but uh...

What third party games?

I haven't seen ANY third party games mentioned for the Wii, besides multiplatform games and ports. Even at E3 all the attractions were the usual suspects: Smash Bros., Metroid, Mario Galaxy, and Mario Kart. Then there was Wii Fit...which is also first party.

So like I said, what third-party games? XD *checks GameFAQs* The only third party games I see that are even remotely interesting are Lego Star Wars and Namco Remix...and I wouldn't call two games a huge amount.

Unless you're into Fishing Master. In which case, if you are, I guess you're golden. XD

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Postby Seppuku » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:02 pm

what about MySims? thats a third party exclusive. that looks awesome XD

i even made a thread on it ^^

also boogie


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Postby Nate » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:10 pm

Seppuku wrote:what about MySims? thats a third party exclusive. that looks awesome XD

Not into the Sims, so...that wouldn't catch my eye. XP
As for Nintendo, E3 gave off the vibes they care very little about the hardcore games... Metroid, Smash Brothers, Mario galaxy... Nothing else was even mentioned...

Yeah, like I said on the Gamecast, Nintendo has SERIOUSLY let me down this generation. Last E3 Reggie was going on and on about how the Wii was going to revolutionize gaming and they were going to get all this third party support because it was so easy to program stuff for...

And now, it's like the Gamecube all over again. Nintendo has amazing first party games, and there's nothing else. My Gamecube got used hours upon hours when a good game came out, then collected dust in between the games. And the Wii looks the same way.

I'm not into Brain Age, I'm not into Sudoku, I'm not into Wii Fit or whatever other teen exercise crap they come out with. I want GAMES. GAMES like Metroid Prime 3 or RE5 or SOMETHING. Nintendo needs to throw their loyal fans a freakin' bone here. Because it seems that in an effort to be more "inclusive" they're excluding the hardcore gamers.

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Postby Seppuku » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:18 pm

XD raving rabbids 2 looks awesome too. customizable bunnies and there is a rock star like game in it XD

and umbrella chronicles looks beastly fun and graphically awesome


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Postby Alexander » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:26 pm

Well, to answer Nate's question...

*prepares flaming gameboy cannon*


NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams (Might possibly, but as a NiGHTS fan boy I'm going to love it)

Zack and Wiki: The Quest for Barbaros' Treasure

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (Date TBA)

Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (It's both a Sega and Nintendo fanboys dream for this game to exist. Not to mention the memories of the 16-bit war between the two)

Dewy's Adventure

de Blob (Coming in 2008)

Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors (Yes, it's a spin-off. But you never know.)

Geometry Wars: Galaxies

Mercury Meltdown Revolution (Just released)

MySims (May or might not be good. Time will tell)

Opoona (Another may or might not be good title. But it's at least original)

There are some other titles, but they're M rated and I don't buy M rated games. The above I mentioned I plan to buy unless they're otherwise rated as bad.

I mean, to be honest, when a console is about to beat the Xbox 360 in total sales, where are third-parties going to go?

And yes, you do win with the fact that they weren't shown at E3, but on the flip side, was anything substantially new shown this year anyways? Again, I feel that every gaming company lost this E3.

And yes, you can say that the Xbox 360 and PS3 have better support then what I showed, but it really boils down to opinions and taste. But at least I've shown there is support.
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Postby Seppuku » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:28 pm

True there is also Manhunt 2, while controversial should be well produced for the action fans.

and for fighting fans there is the new clash of the ninja along with bleach which i here is excellent on the wii.


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Postby Alexander » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:33 pm

Seppuku wrote:True there is also Manhunt 2, while controversial should be well produced for the action fans.

and for fighting fans there is the new clash of the ninja along with bleach which i here is excellent on the wii.

Well, if I must.

No More Hero's, Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, and there's the current Resident Evil 4 remake which is considered the best in the whole series if that's what interests you.

I'll just say I don't hold those games with pride for owning a video game system.
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Postby Stephen » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:37 pm

E3 had a Metal Gear trailer. For that, we should all be thankful. I will be buying my PS3 this March. Hopefully by then, its a tad cheaper. I don't need a giant hard drive on it, so hopefully they are still selling some smaller ones.
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Postby Seppuku » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:37 pm

Yea RE4 wii version is amazing, and no more heros should really give gta fans something to sqeal over.


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Postby Nate » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:41 pm

Yeah, but see, almost all of those games are coming out NEXT year. You said THIS year, which is why I was confused. XD
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (It's both a Sega and Nintendo fanboys dream for this game to exist. Not to mention the memories of the 16-bit war between the two) can Mario beat Sonic at running, and how can Sonic beat Mario at jumping? The game makes no sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit!

Er, sorry, went off on a tangent there.

Also, after looking at the controls for the game, it just looks really tiring and irritating, so...just doesn't look like the kind of game I'm interested in.

Although it's interesting to note, this is touted as the first game to contain both Mario and Sonic. Meaning if it doesn't come out before December 3, that would mean Sonic is not in Smash Bros.

Also, I want Dragon Quest Swords.

I mean, to be honest, when a console is about to beat the Xbox 360 in total sales, where are third-parties going to go?

Ah, but you forget one important factor: Halo 3. Expect 360 sales to go through the roof when that game is released.

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Postby Seppuku » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:47 pm

Nate wrote:Ah, but you forget one important factor: Halo 3. Expect 360 sales to go through the roof when that game is released.

but Wii hasn't even stopped selling out. Plus you all know SSBB will immortalize Wii for a whole 2 more generations of college students.


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Postby Nate » Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:52 pm

Seppuku wrote:but Wii hasn't even stopped selling out. Plus you all know SSBB will immortalize Wii for a whole 2 more generations of college students.

But is Brawl online? Nintendo hasn't said if it is or not.

If it isn't...Halo 3 will still beat it out.

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