wi-fi connection?

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wi-fi connection?

Postby Tenshi no Ai » Sat Jun 30, 2007 8:37 am

Yeah another topic by me^^ But this is something I've been wondering on. So, my modem is blah and can FIND a connection to my Wii but can't actually connect :/ Apparently it has to do with my net provider's firewall or something. Then I realized on the packaging of the wi-fi it said "for wired internet AND if you can't get a connection". Do you think it might work? Apparently the only other way around to getting it to work is some very complex method, according to some computing forums. I'm also wondering that even if I use Nintendo's Wi-fi connector, would it be able to help connect to PS3 as well?
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Postby Roll » Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:34 am

The Nintendo USB Connector's software is specially programmed to only work with Nintendo products. It's great for DS or Wii but can't be used with anything else. I wasn't sure if this is what you were asking, so hopefully this answers your question! ^^
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Postby Bobtheduck » Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:44 am

I don't have a wii, but from my experience with my friend and what I've read around forums and I think I may have even heard on the gamecast:

Wii's wireless capabilities suck...

Plain and simple, it takes a networking engineer to get the wii's wireless to work on many setups... We tried to set one up at the church, and it took a couple weeks of several hours a night to get it figured out... We tried so many things, but the Wii's wireless just had a difficult time finding the router...

I don't even remember all the things we did anymore, or what finally did it, but it's an experience I don't want to go through again... I'd just use the wired connection to make it simple. As for the PS3 question, I'm not entirely sure I understand. Are you wondering if the wii will connect to the PS3, or if they can both connect simultaneously? It honestly sounded like the former, but the latter was logical, so as for the latter, they probably can, in theory, but I've heard the Wii's wireless isn't friendly to other wifi devices.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Mon Jul 02, 2007 9:08 am

Bobtheduck wrote:
Plain and simple, it takes a networking engineer to get the wii's wireless to work on many setups... We tried to set one up at the church, and it took a couple weeks of several hours a night to get it figured out... We tried so many things, but the Wii's wireless just had a difficult time finding the router...

Oy... bad enough for me that my modem can find a connection but just won't connect :/ Wi-fi doesn't sound like it would be any better of a tea party.

For the PS3 question, it's just the fact that you can connect PS3s online, but they don't have any connectors of their own at the moment. So, I was curious if Nintendo's brand of wi-fi could possibly help connect. Looks like it doesn't anyways :/ Blah looks like I'll just have to drag my Wii to someone else's house to download things with points :/
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