Bobtheduck wrote:I never played any of the other lego games, but it's sort of disconcerting how, um, flexible these characters are... I used to be addicted to legos, and I know those little lego people could only move their legs forward and backward... These ones can pivot, they apparently have knees, they can do flips... Just something that's bugging me... If they're gonna make them flexible, why not use the technics or something, but I guess they want the iconic lego men. The video just reeks of badly done rigging test.
Yeshua-Knight wrote:hey, did anyone else notice that the first body they feature in the online vid is the saiyan armor from dragonball z?
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:They've actually done that since the late 1990's, especially with games like Lego Island.
Raiden no Kishi wrote:I'm willing to bet it's the old Ice Planet armor, which does look like saiyan armor.
Bobtheduck wrote:Well, it was stupid then, it's stupid now... If you're going to make them flexible like that, at least give them extra mechanical joints, and don't make it look like the plastic is bending...
Ultra Magnus wrote:Ice Planet armour doesn't really look like Saiyan armour. I think the trailer showed Saiyan armour, because even the hair looked like Vegeta's.
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