D/P Addic--err, players...things that have happened to you?

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D/P Addic--err, players...things that have happened to you?

Postby Okami » Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:07 am

Whether it be weird, funny, cool, or otherwise, I wanna hear your stories! We've all got a story in the world of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, so come along and share.

As for me, I've owned the game for a little over a month. Soon after I'd first begun and got into it, (like, by a few badges) my best friend's sister decided to get me a newly hatched Totodile. Well, time passes, I get grounded from my DS for three weeks, only getting it back on the day of our school's graduation, because I had to be there for the practice/the real thing and we were allowed to bring things to keep ourselves entertained for the practice and before the real one began.

So by that time my little Totodile has evolved through the stages to become Feraligatr. That day I decided to have my first go at the Elite Four, because I had gotten my ever-so kickbutt Mightyena, Growlzer, back from my best friend, who transported her from my Ruby Version (Both of my best friends had 'beat the game'* before I got my DS back, just as I had predicted :shady: )

and so my team was everything levels 60+, four 60 and above, one 70, and one 82.

I defeat them, struggling a bit because of the distractions around me, there was some confusion about what was going on so people - other members of the Choir, to elaborate - were yelling at some friends and I to "PUT IT AWAAAAY!!" because they thought it was starting. So what did I do? Finish my job, go through the credits (I always watch them first-time-through) and shut down. To our dismay, the actual Graduation didn't start for another half an hour to an hour...it had been a false alarm when they'd yelled at us.

* - 'Beat the game' just signifies beating the Elite Four, nothing beyond that

Okay, so fast forward yet again to after my grounding session...I'm happy, I'm three pokemon off from National Dex (which I cleared due to my best friend having the last pokemon I needed, plus two masterballs to catch Uxie and Azelf) and now that all this trading with my best friend, uggh, I'm sick of typing that. Just call her Kitsune (you guys might meet her here someday ^^) I've now got a ditto from her collection of pokemon she'd been storing for me for three weeks.

What do I do? I put two and two together. I tried it with my Swampert, my Blaziken, and my Burmy, but their babies were nothing special. 'Gatr's were. Each Totodile hatched has had the moveset "Scratch, Leer, Surf, Waterfall" and trust me, I've got a lot of them stored up.

Three days ago I put one up on the GTS, asking for a Ditto. Just to see if it could give me access to one of the best pokemon out there. Sure enough, the next morning I check it and down comes the pokeball, containing a Japanese Ditto. (Direct from Hiroshima! :lol: )

So I put it in my Box and leave it there for a few hours while I continue egg-hatching. I do that all night long and before I know it, after talking to Kiku on IM for a few hours (like, until 1:30 am) I've got a ton of the little Totodiles clogging my Boxes. So Kiku's got dibs on one of my males...

(btw, none of that would had been possible without the help of my trusty imported Slugma, Iggy)

So sometime early yesterday I put the J. Ditto up on the GTS, hoping to get a Palkia. I could have cared less about what level it was, I just wanted it to bring me one step further in my Goal*

* - my goal is to catch all 493 Pokemon and have each at level 100. I've yet to decide if I want both Male and Female, but that'll work out in due time.

Late last night before going to bed I checked the status again, and doooooowwwwnnnn comes a pokeball. I looked at the picture and something looked off to me. So I checked the Pokedex. http://pokemon.marriland.com/diamond_pearl/pokedex/Palkia/ I see this, right? Now go down to where it says "normal" in the box, and switch it to "shiny". THAT was the color of my Palkia. A pinkish-reddish grape-y type of color. To make it all the better, it's level 100. The level of my J. Ditto? 38...

There's no way it's legit, though. "Met at Victory Road, apparently at 46" or something like that.

Still, it's pretty awesome. When Kitsune's sister heard me say I was trying to get a Palkia, she offered to help me get one, but I don't think any Palkia she could get me is better than this! It's my first-ever shiny (not including the old Red Gyarados) and for it to be a ledgendary...ohh man. I nearly fainted when I saw it was a shiny!

Obviously I'm bored *glances back at all she's typed* I hope I haven't bored any of you...

So um, Kiku, if you see this, please don't tell Kitsune >:3 If we plan on Double-Battling them before we do my trades, they'll never see it coming!

Dawn, whoever you are, wherever you come from (since there wasn't a Geonet tag) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!

Can't wait to hear of more awesome D/P stories!~ ^___^
~*~ Blessed to be Ryosuke's wife!
"We will be her church, the body of Christ coming alive to
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Postby Slater » Fri Jun 22, 2007 5:13 pm

My GF has owned this game about 3 weeks longer than I, so no matter what I do, it's impossible to beat her in battle. It's kinda sad... My fastest pokemon is slower than her slowest... same pretty much goes for attack ratings...
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Postby Kiku » Sat Jun 23, 2007 1:01 pm

crap! u gotta shiny? how did u pull that one off? @.@

i wanna shiny...
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