Game troubles

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Game troubles

Postby Shao Feng-Li » Thu May 17, 2007 11:43 am

My dad got me a copy of Guitar Hero II, but it won't run. It goes to the "Play Station 2" screen then won't get past the black. You can hear it skipping around in there, but there's no flaw on the disc. I took the top off to watch it in the tray. The laser goes all the way out the edge, and the disc gets all jumbled. Help?


I have Soul Calibur III. Is there any real way to keep the data from corrupting? It also freezes in game and such. There's no scratches on the disc though.
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Postby Kazuya » Thu May 17, 2007 11:45 am

Sounds similar to what happened to me a while back. To fix it, I bought a CD/DVD Player cleaner (it is a disk with two brushes on it) and everything started working again, and it even loaded faster.

Hope that helps! XD
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