Poem - "Blessed With Us"

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Poem - "Blessed With Us"

Postby Staci » Wed Mar 03, 2004 11:51 am

Blessed With Us

Nothing more than friendship
As we started out;
Mutual respect and kindness
Traded between us.

Both listened and spoke
Content with time;
Laughter exchanged with support
From able shoulders.

A warmness grew before
Either understood;
We tumbled together into
Oceans of love.

What caused separate souls
To meld and fall?
Were we even two entities
To begin with?

Is eternity itself too long or
Not long enough?
How can someone define
Depthless love?

What forces pushed so we
Could grow together?
What better reality could
Alike hearts find?

Together now our dance
Is serpentine;
Forever wrapped as one
In bliss of hearts.

No course lies other than
Ahead to life;
Existence in unison and
Love's philosophy.

Thank the starred Heavens
Daily, lovers;
We discovered our lost selves
In one another.
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Postby martinloyola » Thu Mar 04, 2004 10:20 am

I like it! props for the theme, and I always like the philosophical questions to reveal an answer or to make a statement :cool:
Vash: In the end...he just couldn't kill a man in cold blood. His daughter's murder goes unpunished. Call him weak, but...it saved both of us.

want to tell your fantasy or science fiction story and need help, try here :cool:

Headbangers United :rock:
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