Draconic Salvation

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Draconic Salvation

Postby Aleolus » Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:47 pm

OK, here's a RP I've gotten started on a couple different forums, and it usually does fairly well, until the people in it lose interest and it dies off. It's called Draconic Salvation. It's a combination of a couple different things I've come across. Basically, dragons have been a major power in the world for a long time, protecting it from outsiders and so forth. Most of the time, the dragons were quite benevolent, and it was the rare exception that actually went and started slaughtering people. Those ones were also quickly dealt with, however (as is the case with people), they are the ones most people know of. Most people didn't care one way or another about dragons, until it was discovered that dragons were not (as priorly thought) invulnerable. Obsidian could, in fact, pierce their hides, and a blade through the heart would kill them. A relatively small number of people are trying to incite people to destroy the dragons, not realizing that the dragons protect the world from outside threats. The dragons have started to employ their loyal knights, the Dragoons, to protect them, in addition to their prior job of dealing with evil dragons as they arise, and aiding the dragons in protecting the world. This RP starts off as Dragoons vs. Dragon Slayers, with people being able to take both sides, but can go in any number of ways, depending on how people rp. The basic character sign-up thing is as below.

Race: (any playable race from D&D will work. If you don't know D&D, then just name a race and we'll see.)
Dragon Slayer, Dragoon, or neutral
Favored weapon(s):
Bio: (no more than a paragraph or two, just enough for the basics on your character, please.)
(If a dragoon, you will need to include the color of dragon you were inducted by, as that will affect your character somewhat. Available dragons are listed below)
Red (Fire): You have a firey temper, and go into a blood frenzy easily. Once it starts, it takes a massive shock, or a few minutes of no activity for you to calm down. When in your frenzy, you have difficulty distinguishing between friend and foe.
Blue (water): You are very gentle and forgiving. You don't like to fight, but when cornered, you can be ferocious. You prefer to find easy ways to do things, when possible.
Gold (earth): Very stable and firm, you almost never back down, be it in an argument, or a fist fight. You resist injury not inflicted by bladed weapons, and can be a calming influence, though not as much so as a water type.
White (ice): You are quite cold and unemotional. It's difficult to earn your trust, but once earned, it is unwavering. You tend to prefer cooler temperatures rather than warm ones, and can deal quite easily with sub-zero temps.
Violet (lightning): Similar to fire, in that you get angry easily, and you are quite destructive when angry, but for you, your anger only lasts for a brief moment. You're also fairly hasty, but you never back down from a challenge.
Very pale yellow (Light): You are very forgiving and kind. You have no problem seeing in bright light, and darkness causes you no difficulties.
Black (Darkness): Cunning and conniving, you aren't the type to suffer fools. You have a short temper, but you don't burst like fire and thunder. You plot, pretending nothing's wrong, but constantly planning to pay whoever it was that set it off back.
More will come if I can think of more.
This is intended as a very long term RP, and I don't want to have to replace characters. If someone decides they don't want to participate anymore, we will simply kill the character off, so that the game can continue without their participation. If the game starts to die due to individuals not posting, I reserve the right to grab individual characters if needed, rendering them unneeded so that the rest of us can continue. Understood, everyone?
EDIT: Oh, almost forgot. In case the "favored weapon" section didn't give it away, this is an action based RP, and there will most likely be battles of various types.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:27 pm

OOH this sounds awesome!! ^_^ I think I might join!

I have a couple of questions: You say that the Dragoons are inducted by the dragons...does that mean that they ride the dragons as well? Or just Fight on their behalf? Can our characters have small pets? ^^;

Here are my bios: Let me know if there is a limit and I will erase a few..^^; I usually play 3 or more characters in role plays so this isn't unusual for me. If the elements are limited and only one of each then I will also delete one element.

Name: Xander

Race: Human
Age: 18
Appearance: Image
Favored weapon(s): Bow and Arrow, knives, and throwing daggers.

Personality: Xander is a Gold type, he is a generally gentle guy. He can be a bit of an annoyance sometimes though. He is slow to anger and really just wants everyone around him to laugh and have fun. However, he can fight when he needs too, and is really strong. He can withstand mulitple physical blows, if he hasn't been shot, or injured by a sword. He also has a pretty large stamina.

Bio: Xander grew up reading about dragons his entire life. His grandfather would tell him stories of the terrible and great dragons of lore. He loved hearing about them so much that he even got a tatoo of a dragon on his left arm to honor the dragons he idolized. His father and older brother, on the other hand doesn't see the love for dragons that he and his grandfather have. And vows that he will aide in their destruction.

Name: Kraus (Cr-ahs)
Age: 20
Race: Umm.. I would call him a Goat Human.. Not a Fawn..he just has horns and ears of a goat
Dragon Slayer:
Appearance: Image
Favored weapon(s): Broad Sword and Cross Bow
Personality: Not very nice..
Bio: Kraus has always destest dragons. As a child he saw their rare ferocity when a group of rogue dragons slaughtered his village. He grew up as an enraged and angry youth. His goal is the take revenge on his people...no matter the costs.

Name: Delphinae
Race: Mermaid/human ( she can survive on land, and her fins disappear) Once she touches water, however, she transforms back into a merperson). (tell me if this isn't welcome XD)
Age: 19
Appearance: Image

Personality: Blue- Delphinae is a gentle sprit who hates to fight. She would rather see people happy and calm, than fighting. However, if she is forced to fight and protect her friends she will. She also can't stand seeing them in pain.

Weapon of choice: She uses an elemental spear, and she can manipulate water.

Bio: Delphinae grew up in a small town bordering the ocean. Her race is closely related to the merfolk that live in the area. But they have adapted to life on land, and only venture into the sea for a brief period. As a child, Delphinae would watch the water dragons swim and play in the ocean. She knew she wanted to do something to protect them.
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Postby Aleolus » Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:08 pm

Sounds good, just a couple comments. First, when you become a dragoon, your personality and quirks shift somewhat, but you are still the same way you were before. So, if a blue dragon took a very violent person as their Dragoon, they would mellow out some, but still be aggressive. So you need to describe their personality, and specify which dragon is your avatar both. Now, if they joined with a dragon that has the same qualities they did (short temper becoming a Red dragoon), that's fine, but you might want to think about it. Pets are allowed, but somewhat rare, since most animals are absolutely terrified of dragons, them being the ultimate preditor. And the Dragoons are knights of the dragons. They ride their dragon if the need is there, but if not, they move of their own volition. The only creature who will bear a dragoon (without special training) is their Avatar, and their avatar is the only person a dragon will bear without a very good reason. Even the kind and gentle dragons are very proud, and rarely grant people rides, unless the need is urgent. Even then, being allowed to ride a dragon is, among those who respect, honor or (in some cases), revere dragons, a great honor. Being offered to or accepted among the dragoons even more so. **Edit** That's partially because, once you become a dragoon, you will live for as long as your dragon is alive. Dragons are very hard to kill for most creatures, and live for thousands of years easily. Becoming a dragoon bonds your life with your dragons, so as long as your dragon is alive, any wound you receive that is not instantly fatal will heal, but when your dragon dies, you will die within a few minutes of them. Basically, you make your life dependent on your dragon.

Also, something I didn't mention. When a creature becomes a dragoon, there's a big ceremony. It's kinda the draconic version of a wedding, where the dragon and the creature's blood mingle. This bonds the mind of the two. They are still two distinct individuals, but they have a psychic link, and share each other's memories. The new dragoon also undergoes a physical change, growing draconic wings he can use to fly. Only gold dragons (earth dragons) don't grant this, as they are the only dragons who can't fly.

One last thing, with the exception of earth dragons, all dragons are claustraphobic, and their dragoons accquire this attribute themselves. They have a very difficult time not being able to see the sky and feel the wind. Dragoons can bear it for certain lengths of time, dragons cannot. Gold dragons are the exception to this, and they (and gold dragoons) are terrified of heights. Once again, the dragoon can bear them better than the dragon, but not for long periods of time.

And my character, can't forget him!
Name: Aleolus
Race: Human
Red Dragoon
Appearance: Blond hair, greenish-blue eyes. He has red-colored armor on, and a sword strapped to his waist. His armor only covers his chest and the upper portion of his left arm.
Favored weapon(s): B*ast*ard Sword (sry for the self-editing, but that's the name of the sword type!)
Personality: Quite friendly, until he gets into one of his red dragon blood frenzies. When he does, he's always tired, somewhat disturbed, and sad. He prefers not to fight, but he gives no quarter to foes who will not yield.
Bio: (And I'm going to break my own rule for this, but this is a char I've thought through a lot. Sorry! :hits_self )
Born a simple life, he never thought of himself as very special. He grew up, got married, and was in the process of building his own farm, when a dragon came to him and told him that war was coming, and he had the opportunity to help fend it off. He was raised to honor the dragons, so he was impressed and pleased, but politely declined. He knew nothing of warfare, so why should he fight now. That was, until two weeks later. He was riding his horse on his way to town to buy some livestock and seeds to finish off his farm, when a sudden chill went down his spine. He knew he was needed back home, now. He wheeled his horse around and galloped home as fast as he could, but it was too late. When he got there, all that was left was char, and ash, and dust, for miles, along a strip going east/west. He frantically began searching for his wife, hoping against all hope she had survived, but in vain. He found her corpse, charred beyond all recognition, lyinig on the ground. What was worse, she had just told him she was pregnant with their first child! He sat there for two days and a night, weeping openly. Then, he sought out that dragon who had approached him, and accepted his offer. Now they are bonded, and he has vowed that he will never let anyone else suffer like that so long as he was alive.
(Whew! That's a lot of bio, I know! If you want the full story from his point of view, he only tells it to people who he feels need to know, and then typically in the third person, not revealing it was him till the very end. If it comes up thematically, he will, though!)
"Please stand down, I don't want meaningless bloodshed!" chaos-Xenosaga


"Who are you?"
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Postby Aleolus » Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:25 pm

Isn't anyone else going to join?
"Please stand down, I don't want meaningless bloodshed!" chaos-Xenosaga


"Who are you?"
"If I knew that, I wouldn't be suffering." - Hakuro, Utawarerumono

"Dirty thoughts are bad!" Mahoro, Mahoromatic

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