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Postby Nate » Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:57 am

Bobtheduck wrote:If you payed attention to CC, you'd realize it was the ONLY sequal there could ever be. The fates of the central characters (Chrono, Marle, Lucca, Magus/Janus, Schala) are explained and the history of the world explained.

Yeah, I know. I was only half-joking too. I actually DO enjoy Chrono Cross, and I am playing through it again. I just can't enjoy it as part of the CT universe.

I just wish that Magus had been in it...then I probably wouldn't be so cheesed off at it. After all, it was Magus who was trying to find Schala in the first place, and it turns out he failed. And please, no one say that lame "Guile is Magus" stuff, it isn't true and I can prove it.

I think the only reason Magus wasn't in it was I heard something about Akira Toriyama not wanting his character designs used in CC. Lame, though.

And I could have done without them destroying Guardia and killing off everyone from the first game.

But I know you were kidding about disowning me. Friends, right? *Shakes hands with Bobtheduck*

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Postby blkmage » Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:14 pm

Starcraft II would be nice.

How about a real Star Wars RTS. None of this Age of Kings reskin.
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Thu Oct 21, 2004 2:26 pm

kaemmerite wrote:Yeah, I know. I was only half-joking too. I actually DO enjoy Chrono Cross, and I am playing through it again. I just can't enjoy it as part of the CT universe.

I just wish that Magus had been in it...then I probably wouldn't be so cheesed off at it. After all, it was Magus who was trying to find Schala in the first place, and it turns out he failed. And please, no one say that lame "Guile is Magus" stuff, it isn't true and I can prove it.

I think the only reason Magus wasn't in it was I heard something about Akira Toriyama not wanting his character designs used in CC. Lame, though.

And I could have done without them destroying Guardia and killing off everyone from the first game.

But I know you were kidding about disowning me. Friends, right? *Shakes hands with Bobtheduck*

Actually, Magus was in it.

[SPOILER]According to rumor, Magus is Guile.[/SPOILER]
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Fri Oct 22, 2004 5:20 pm

I want a Trigun game and a Rurouni Kenshin game.

Both of high quality with multiple playable characters.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Sat Oct 23, 2004 1:19 am

One game I wanna make is going to be a narnia like alegory (I can hear LOTR tolkien fans cringing) It actually will be somewhere in between Pilgrim's Progress and Narnia... It will be fantasy, but with mythos not so well established as Lewis and Tolkien. I want to make some up. It will be an RPG, and it's going to be from the perspective of someone who views God as someone who couldn't truly be good, but their perception shatters around them and their friends prove to enemies... I've got a basic layout for it, but I need to work on specifics. Also, I'm not sure whether it will be an early project I can make myself using sprites (maybe even making it a homemade SNES game) or something I wanna work into a modern game... Out of my ideas, this one has been the strongest idea for a Christian game... I want to reach out to the philisophical gameplayers, and the ones who can look at games as art. I guess that's a game that "I" want to make rather than one I want to see "them" make.
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Postby Fsiphskilm » Sat Oct 23, 2004 8:02 am

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Postby MaxPendragon » Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:43 pm

I really liked Chrono Cross, I thought it was cool. I would rather see Chrono Trigger to be remade in the same artistic style as Chrono Cross to make it "fit" more. That, or vice versa. Anyway, that's just me.

I want to see FF VI remade.
-Revamped Score to make it even BETTER!
-Voice Actors (With actual talent, maybe celebs like in KH.)
-Two modes, Lit and Cinema. One for Voice the other for naming and just text.
-Improved dialogue to make it more exciting and intelligent.
-More Espers
-3D envirorments and models. (I was thinking models like RE.)
-Extras like a Bestiary, Interviews, and a preview of my Trilogy move based off FF VI.

Yeah, I like FF VI.... A LOT.

What I don't want to see is "I, Mario." (See this horrific idea at OCRemix if you want to be disturbed.)

Hmmmmmm... Earthbound remade would be cool.
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Postby greyscale42 » Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:05 pm

chrono trigger (not chrono cross ECK!)
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Postby cbwing0 » Tue Oct 26, 2004 12:09 pm

greyscale42 wrote: I WANT A NEW NON-3D CONTRA GAME!!!!

Contra: Shattered Soldier was almost entirely a 2-d sidescroller with 3d graphics. The only 3-d section that I can remember is the skiing part of level 1. Besides, the previous Contra games contained pseudo-3d elements (the top-down levels from Contra 3, for instance), so what's the big deal?
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Postby PumpkinKoRn52 » Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:40 am

I wish they would make a cross between stealth action third person and first person shooters. Kinda like Halo 2 meets MGS3.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun May 15, 2005 5:54 pm

I would LOVE a dating sim that isn't hentai... i would play that for ours and its awesome cuteness T__T
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Postby desperado » Sun May 15, 2005 6:10 pm

i want a .//hack mmorpg
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Postby Tommy » Mon May 16, 2005 12:15 pm

I want:
1.Final Fantasy VI remake
2.Most of my novels to become RPGs. I`ve got tons that would be great stories and I even have my own awesome battle system.
3. Chrono Trigger for GBA (I never have time to play PS1 but plenty to play GBA)
4. A final Chrono game that connects with Trigger more than Cross.
5. FF Antholgy remade for Gameboy Advance
6. FF8-2
7. FF9-2
8. FF10-3
9. Legend Of Dragoon 2
10. Grandia 2Xtreme (That title would work for the dungeon crawling sequel)
11. Star Ocean: The Fourth Story

And tons more.
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Postby Cap'n Nick » Mon May 16, 2005 12:34 pm

Something I've always wanted is a Gundam game where you can build and customize the robots like in Armored Core. This wouldn't happen to exist, would it?
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Postby Myoti » Mon May 16, 2005 4:52 pm

The original Mother 1 and 2 were recently rereleased in Japan, but unfortunately there are no plans that I know of to rerelease them in America. Boo!

Awhile back, they were thinking of remaking both for the GBA, but there hasn't been any recent news on it...

- a game based on my novel.

What's your novel? After all, you're posting in the presence of a future game designer! :D

I haven't played RE4 yet, but IT'S STILL SUCH A COPOUT! They build up such a crescendo in the previous RE games, whetting every gamers appetite for what comes next, and THEY SKIP OVER THE GRAND SHOWDOWN? This ticks me off. This is what I WISH the storyline WOULD be about: The T-virus is out of control, and as it is rapidly spread through every nation in the world heralding the apocalypse, the surviving characters, Jill, Chris, Barry, Leon, Claire, Carlos, ect. gather for the final showdown against Umbrella and their evil nemesis Albert Wesker. IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO AWESOME!

Though I haven't played it, I think I heard it wasn't completely over. A possible prediction is the T-Virus and El Plaga have some sort of connection, and even if they don't, they might make an "inbetween" game revealing what all happened right before RE4.

another adult Link game. Ocarina and Majora were great games, but i need something new for the great Gamecube. (cbwing0, you're cool man, but do not diss the Cube...it's all i got...)

There is a new one coming, which I will even give blood to get. It looks, and will most likely play, incredble.
BTW, I didn't think Windwaker was that bad (though I didn't get all the way through).

I want a Trigun game and a Rurouni Kenshin game.

Like I said before, you are posting in the presence of a future game designer ;).
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Postby Zarn Ishtare » Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:34 am

I'd honestly like a sequel to Suikoden 2. That game was the peak of the series, and the Third's battle system and Suikoden: Tactics was...extremely dissapointing. I favored the graphical style of Suikoden 2, the art, the intricate plotline, the way magic was worked in without being fantastically hokey, the characters...everything about it. I've written Fanfiction about it even, though not on paper (A five hundred years spanning epic beginning in Harmonia and ending in Dunan, all in my head!)

Also, a REAL sequel to Xenogears. I know it won't happen, but I have to ask.....
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Postby Tommy » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:13 pm


I made a "remake" version of this thread a while back so try searching for that.

It was nice to look back and see some of the games I wanted to exist do.
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Postby For_Him » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:42 pm

I don't have any next-gen systems yet, but these games I would like to see.

Xbox 360:
Jade Empire 2

Splinter Cell 5

For PlayStation 3:
Metal Gear Solid 5

For a current-gen system.

Metal Gear Ac!d 3
Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops 2
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:58 pm

I want a glorious return of adventure games, possibly blended with some Japanese visual novel elements. Interesting characters, nice story, branching plotlines, multiple endings. And when I say branching, I don't mean chaning. I mean, depending on how you played, you'd experience different parts and sides to the same story, requiring several playthroughs to fully grasp the story.

Aside from that, I want a Final Fantasy IX port to the computer.
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Postby Tommy » Thu Mar 01, 2007 3:54 pm

I can't see the FF9 request coming true only because if it were to exist, it would have happened a long time ago. If an FF9 port goes anywhere within the next year, I would bet my bottom dollar that it would be on the PSP.

I agree with your first paragraph entirely, however.
It seems like your second sentence decribes a ffew RPGs to say the least, but I haven't seen many adventure games with those qualities.

I would LOVE a dating sim that isn't hentai... i would play that for ours and its awesome cuteness T__T

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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:07 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:I can't see the FF9 request coming true only because if it were to exist, it would have happened a long time ago. If an FF9 port goes anywhere within the next year, I would bet my bottom dollar that it would be on the PSP.

Found this awhile back. I was so happy, so satisfied.

Then I scrolled to the bottom of the article.

Tom Dinch wrote:I agree with your first paragraph entirely, however.
It seems like your second sentence decribes a ffew RPGs to say the least, but I haven't seen many adventure games with those qualities.

Yeah, that would be neat.
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Postby ilikegir33 » Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:57 am

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I would LOVE a dating sim that isn't hentai... i would play that for ours and its awesome cuteness T__T

I think Hirameki Int. released some non hentai dating sims like "Tea Society of A Witch", "Hourglass of Summer" and "Ai Yori Aoshi: The Game". Wait. They're VISUAL NOVELS. :sweat:

Well anyway, I think that there should be a sequel to Killer7. That game was DA BOMB! And Okami 2. That would be nice.

Hmm... another DS Warioware game. No, not Wario (Land 5): Master Of Disguise. Or a Warioworld 2. Or Paper Mario 3 (not Super Paper Mario! Although that game is fun). Wait...
NEW SUPER MARIO BROS 2! Yeah! Yeah! Those all would be nice!
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Postby Tommy » Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:59 am

Can't you CHOOSE how raunchy a Sim's game is?
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:25 pm

They should make a Rurouni Kenshin fighter. No, Namco should do it and make it really good. That'd be so cool...
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Postby ilikegir33 » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:47 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:Can't you CHOOSE how raunchy a Sim's game is?

There's actually a new Sims game that isn't raunchy. It's called My Sims and it's for the Wii!!! (that wasn't surprising huh) It's like Animal Crossing. Make your town all happy.

If there was a GTA type free to do what you want game where there was no violence, crime, sex, drugs, and profanity, I'd so get that game dude. BTW it wouldn't be Animal Crossing.
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Postby Miso_Chan » Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:10 am

ELF BOWLING 3 AND 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

heh, all DSR fans(Dual screen radio) will be rolling on the floor right now. and anyone else who got stuck with that atrosity of a game.

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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:23 am

I want a good first person shooter/swordfighting game for the Wii. With guns and swords and martial arts and bullet-time. Oh yes.

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Postby Saj » Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:09 am

Raiden no Kishi wrote:I want a good first person shooter/swordfighting game for the Wii. With guns and swords and martial arts and bullet-time. Oh yes.


ok.. so you want Max Payne + HL2 + Jedi Outcast + Tekken??? Good luck!!

Me personally, i want one thing and one thing only. More Homeworld games. if i get more Homeworld games, ill have a reason not to sell my computer.
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Postby Bobtheduck » Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:12 am

I shall now reiterate what I said previously, and update it:

bobtheduck wrote:If you payed attention to CC, you'd realize it was the ONLY sequal there could ever be. The fates of the central characters (Chrono, Marle, Lucca, Magus/Janus, Schala) are explained and the history of the world explained. Do you want a Chrono clone? I don't really know you, but I am guessing that deep down, you don't want that. That's called "fanservice" and it is a "dis"-service.

I'd love to see a remake of the two canonical commando games with stronger narrative. Oh, and let's get rid of the name "Super Joe" it's just lame... Well, I guess you can keep it if you really work at making it fit... that's gonna be a lot of work, though.

I'd love to see mother make a US apprearance... I think that when it was brought to the Super Famicom (as Mother 2 or earthbound) it got too cutesy... Mother was weird, and it had more style than Mother 2.

I'd really love to see a PS2 or PS3 remake of the two MSX metal gear games. Show all the ignoarant MG fans in the US what metal gear really was.

So... Now, I want to see the Chrono story finished. CC was very definitely the second game in a trilogy. It was depressing, and left open at the end... Very "Han solo in the carbonite" type of ending (and that's the good ending) What happens to [spoiler]schala? Is the "saving her" ending the official one?[/spoiler] Chrono Break will likely sell systems. I have a friend that would buy a PS3 if another Chrono game came out for it... OF course, he's already getting one for FFXIII and for MGS4 (and I'll show him the light about Lair, and he'll probably like Heavenly Sword) but, I know that holds true for many people. Squ'eenix would definitely make it, since I'm nearly certain the Mistwaker guys don't own rights to it, so chances of it being PS3 are pretty high... Unless it's PS2, which I would be more than happy with.

It's awesome I saw a port of MG1 and MG2 on Subsistence. One of my wishes actually came true... One of my other wishes came true in the crappiest way possible... Sort of... A spinoff for Bionic Commando... Lost Planet was supposed to be a Bionic Commando spinoff... I do NOT see the draw for that game... Not in the slightest... (and, yes, I HAVE played it) That's not what I wanted to see for a next gen commando game... Of course, I'm pretty sure they dropped the Bionic Commando idea early in development, so it's not really a BC sequel... So, I still want to see a BC sequel, or maybe a high def 2d sidescroller like the upgrade that Street Fighter 2 is getting, only more because it'd be going from 8 bit to HD... I'd love that. 60fps fluid animation, maybe voice acting if they could make it not suck, flesh out the story a bit... Maybe improve the physics on the grappling cable... Give you more options with the swinging. I'd actually take that over REmake anyday... I'm not joking, either...

While we're talking high def 2d upgrades, let's talk a "Mario all stars" type upgrade on Wii... Only max out the 2d sprites, and I'm not talking about Paper Mario, either... I mean a real collection of the old mario games, including Super mario world, but in completely updated, 60fps fluidly animated sprites... That would be awesome.

Other games I'd like to see get this treatment:

Secret of Mana
Ninja Turtles (all 4 old games... The NES trilogy and the SNES game)

actually, that's all i can think of... I thought Metroid, but you already had Metroid zero, and while it's far from HD, it is a great upgrade. I thought Final Fantasy II, but... Well, PSP is getting the best of the upgrades, which is making it basically 32 bit sprites... I thought Metal Gear 1 and 2, but... Well... I'm not sure making more detailed sprites is the best way to go with those... You may as well make it 3d, since top view is the easiest to transition to 3d.
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Postby Zilch » Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:31 am

A new Jet Set Radio game.

No, seriously. C'mon, stop laughing. I can't help it if I was one the four people that liked it.

After playing Lego (oh, excuse me, for the purist, it's LEGO. Like you're screaming it every time you say it. LEGO.) Star Wars, I can't help but think a Lego Half-Life would be a riot. I mean, really, headcrabs and Lego heads. I think that's a fairly good match. That, and the G-Man in Lego form. Hiding behind things.

Heck, Lego Counter-Strike!

Lego Unreal Tournament!

Lego Ninja Gaiden!


...okay, I stopped being serious after Counter-Strike.

And honestly, as much as I appreciate Bungie working on Halo 3, I'd like to see another Oni game, a wee bit more polished than their last offering.
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