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Postby Ingemar » Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:50 pm

Ando twice nearly got the both of them killed. I think Hiro made the right decision.
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Postby Aka-chan » Wed Feb 21, 2007 7:24 pm

I have a feeling Ando won't be gone for long.

Also, did anyone else notice that Sylar's unibrow is gone? There was much amusement over that in the group I watch with. =D
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Postby Yojimbo » Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:26 pm

I can't wait to see Matt, Ted, and what's her face interrogate Mr. Bennet. Bennet is one of the best characters on that show. I love every scene with him especially between him and Claire.
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Postby Ingemar » Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:38 pm

My predictions:

[spoiler]After the much anticipated flashback of HRG's life, the Trio of Evil Heroes will blow crap up but ultimately fail and Matt will die somehow. At least, I want Matt to die somehow. It's hard to imagine anyone with a superpower who manages to be so pathetic and gullible.[/spoiler]
It's hard to have a discussion about the show in NBC's fora because most of the regulars assume that everyone also has read the graphic novels, which feature things like:

Extra powers Sylar has
Hana (aka Wireless) being introduced earlier and being more important
HRG showing more of a good side
Nathan flying to save someone from a burning building
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:36 pm

Yehehe. It was so cheesetacular but I pretty much loved the line about the sound in Sylar's heart.


RIP Dale, I for one shall miss you. And Claude had better haul his butt back to Heroes SOON or I'm going to go into snark withdrawl. I keep hearing rumors about the actor having landed a movie role though, so who knows when he'll be back *sadness-*

Still not entirely on the Matt hate train though his wife was making me cringe consistently. I feel guilty hating a pregnant woman but I just don't like her. Bring back Audrey please >_<
[spoiler]And EEE! They shot Simone! I'm still rather concerned that Peter will reverse the path of the bullets ala-Hiro with the 'backfiring gun'. But in any case I'm hoping the love triangle is dead. I didn't mind Simone but I've had it up to here with chemistry-less love triangles! Now if only someone would get a gun and go see Kate, Sawyer and/or Jack on Lost-

I'm also beginning to think that they will have to depower Peter at some point. Perhaps the explosion is a neccesary energy releasing side effect of his abilities and it leaves him depowered?

I also find it strange how so many people keep citing Simone's appearance in Peter's vision as an indicator of her survival. May I point out that Issac is also alive with his head intact in Peter's vision even though Hiro witnessed him brainless on the floor during his respective trip to the future? I tend to side with Hiro ;p

And ah, Stan Lee. Does this mean that he thinks he created Heroes? I guess he basically did. *pats the cameo crazed fellow on the head*

I pretty much love Sylar and his overall hovering creeptacular hatefulness. Mohinder's sheer obliviousness is also amusing me to no end at this point, probably for the wrong reasons. They're like some sort of clueless brain eating dynamic comedy duo on a roadtrip O_O [/spoiler]
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Postby Alice » Sun Feb 25, 2007 12:41 am

I for one have never gone to the much-advertised Heroes websites, nor to I intend to. (Those things don't load well usually on this computer.) Of course, I also haven't read the "comic."
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Postby rocklobster » Sun Feb 25, 2007 4:04 am

OH, come on, Lizard Queen. I loved Stan Lee's cameo!
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sun Feb 25, 2007 9:44 am

Guess I should clarify, I liked it too ^^ I just find it funny watching for that guy in just about every comic film out there (minus the DC ones of course). Heh, Stan-watching, it's turning into a hobby :lol:

I haven't really read the comic either, nor do I go to the website terribly often. I don't think it's neccesary to enjoy Heroes, it's just a nifty add on.
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Postby Alice » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:16 pm

Wow. Today's episode was... one of the best yet, in my opinion. It was emotionally satisfying (maybe just to me? xD), and lots of things happened.

I liked learning more of the backstory of Mr. Bennett and the organization. (As well, of course, as 'Dr. Who,' which of course is how I think of the invisible man... still.) :sweat:
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Postby faithfighter » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:26 pm

wow I didn't even notice this thread revived!!!
I agree Alice tonights episode rocked!!
[spoiler] I'm glad Mr.Bennet turned good in the end! and now I totally get why Claude (invisable guy) is so bitter. I probably would be to if I somehow survived being shot by my trusted best friend. [/spoiler]
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:28 pm

"Company Man"

This is a unique episode in that it doesn't switch back and forth between plots which can get overwhelming sometimes. Sure, there is the interwoven flashback but everything in this epi has to do with HRG and [his relationship with] Claire.
[spoiler]HRG started working for his "company" fourteen years ago. His original super partner was Claude (a.k.a. Invisible Man a.k.a. Dr. Who) whose job it was to "keep him honest."
Hiro's father is part of the organization. It wasn't revealed how far up hight he is in the heirarchy, but he is superior to HRG. He was the one that ordered, sternly as only a Japanese could, that HRG look after Claire AND turn her in if for whatever godless plans they had in mind.
We also got to see HRG's boss, but he doesn't have a name (yet).
HRG was given orders to kill Claude. Claude disobeyed his orders because he didn't want to "betray his people." HRG seemed a bit hesitant but shot Claude twice, who then disappeared. It was never revealed who Claude was supposed to (kill?), but my guess is that it was either Peter or Claire.
The Haitian was introduced after there was some suspicion that HRG's wife was getting wise to his real job (that somehow included carrying a gun).

All throughout we see that HRG does not want the organization to take Claire away from him. And Claire is the reason he wears those glasses, otherwise we may be calling him BCG instead (birth control glasses).

In the present, Matt and Ted (a.k.a Radioactive Man) break into HRG's house because Ted melted the doorknob. Generally, Ted is the hot blooded one and Matt is the one with cold feet. When they hold the Bennets up, Matt tells everyone what is going on because he is reading Claire's mind (and HRG finds out that the Haitian didn't follow his orders).
Matt spends a little time probing Claire's mind and learns how she survived the Homecoming incident and also about Peter.
HRG uses some techniques (thinking in Japanese, red herrings) to fool Matt for a while but then communicates to him with his thoughts to shoot Claire to satisfy Ted who was ready to shoot Mrs. Bennet. They hide Claire in her bedroom and pretend she is dead to make a scene and HRG puts on an act to fool Ted. (If you couldn't tell, Matt is following HRG's directions). HRG tells Ted that he will release documents about his ability (in exchange for his family not being a toasty crater) but in reality he went to the company with Matt to get tranquilizers to subdue him. And HRG is **** that the Haitian can talk.
HRG gives the evidence to Ted but HRG's boss comes in with a gun, but HRG warns him that shooting Ted could set off a nuclear reaction. And then Ted gets shot in the shoulder, and he's about to explode. HRG can't get close enough to him to inject him but Claire can because she's indestructible and all.

Primatech has Matt and Ted in custody. And we are introduced to a new female hero, but we don't know her power yet. Next episode maybe. And a hint that Matt might work for them.

HRG drives Claire and the Haitian to the same bridge where he shot Claude. HRG tells the Haitian where to shoot him and then orders him to erase any memory he has that would lead the organization to Claire.[/spoiler]

And the preview.

[spoiler]Simone's not dead. CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.
Mohinder and "Zane" again. Mohinder says, "This is going to hurt."
Hiro gets the sword.
Peter goes nuclear?
And Nathan punches Nessica. I'm sure he did that for all of us.
Linderman revealed?[/spoiler]
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Postby faithfighter » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:33 pm

[spoiler] as for Simone not being dead...I'm not so sure. I know that Tim Kring said that whoever died would come back a few times. I think supposily she is gona be in it for 2 episodes...but I'm still not buying that she isn't dead. course I can't really explain this but still...it seems a little to weird. a dream maybe? [/spoiler]
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:37 pm

Wow. Heroes finally made me cry. I had been hesistant to give this show top spot on the list of TV shows that I love because it hadn't quite managed to inspire a true emotional reaction from me. Don't get me wrong, it's all twisty and turny and fun, but it was still kinda lacking that sheer emotional resonance. But man did it ever make up for that tonight *sniff*

Also, whoa, no wonder Claude says people suck O_O
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:44 pm

[spoiler]I don't think HRG meant to shoot him fatally. As to why HRG thought he was dead, well, he became invisible.[/spoiler]
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Postby faithfighter » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:56 pm

[spoiler] I'm not sure...HRG seemed surprised but then he still shot him again. maybe he just wasn't sure he would be able to pull the trigger... [/spoiler]
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Postby Alice » Tue Feb 27, 2007 12:08 pm

[spoiler] I don't understand how "Claude" did survive. It looked like he was definitely shot badly enough to die. Maybe he had another power, or it was really light caliber bullets??? [/spoiler]

I agree, Lizard Queen. Wow!
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:26 pm

[spoiler] This week's episode was quite touching. I loved the scene at the end with Claire and her dad trying on all those glasses. "You didn't grow in your mother's womb; you grew in our hearts." aww. [/spoiler]
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:11 pm

[spoiler]Someone on another forum made an excellent point about the likelihood of Claude returning anytime soon: he shaved the hobo beard for the flashbacks, didn't he? Odds are that thing took a while to grow (if it was natural), which unfortunately might mean that Ecclestone isn't planning on coming back for a while (if at all).

Aw. This frustrates me because I have inexplicably developed a Claude/Ecclestone crush over the last two days. What can I say? I'm a sucker for bitter antisocial jerks with angsty pasts *sighs*[/spoiler]
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Postby Alice » Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:39 pm

the_lizardqueen wrote:[spoiler]Someone on another forum made an excellent point about the likelihood of Claude returning anytime soon: he shaved the hobo beard for the flashbacks, didn't he? Odds are that thing took a while to grow (if it was natural), which unfortunately might mean that Ecclestone isn't planning on coming back for a while (if at all).

Aw. This frustrates me because I have inexplicably developed a Claude/Ecclestone crush over the last two days. What can I say? I'm a sucker for bitter antisocial jerks with angsty pasts *sighs*[/spoiler]

[spoiler] Lizard Queen, you should definitely watch him as Dr. Who. He's incredi-awesome in that. A lot nicer most of the time, though. (Edit: Although he can be angsty.)

I think he's one of the coolest characters in Heroes, for some reason. I figure it's because I'm so glad to see him again after the first season of Dr. Who ended, but who knows. [/spoiler]
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:10 pm

Alice wrote:[spoiler]Spoiler - click and drag the area below to reveal
Lizard Queen, you should definitely watch him as Dr. Who. He's incredi-awesome in that. A lot nicer most of the time, though. (Edit: Although he can be angsty.)

I think he's one of the coolest characters in Heroes, for some reason. I figure it's because I'm so glad to see him again after the first season of Dr. Who ended, but who knows.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]I agree! I'll have to investigate that show. It's funny, I'd never seen him before but my dad and my brother were both immediately pointing out that he was Dr. Who. Apparently I'm the only one in my family that hasn't watched the newer series :/

Regardless of absolute unfamiliarity he's totally won me over, I think it was the point at which he was repeatedly whacking Peter with a pole that my Claude-love was born. Not that I hate Peter or anything, but he could use a bit of a reality check, plus Emo-abuse is oddly amusing. The flashbacks in the latest episode just cemented it what with the betrayal and the insight into why Claude has trust issues :grin:[/spoiler]
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Postby Alice » Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:15 pm

[spoiler] Okay, did anyone else notice that the side Mr. Bennett got shot in last week was NOT the side he was holding in agony at the beginning of this week's episode? Or was that my imagination? ;) [/spoiler]
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Postby Ingemar » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:19 pm


I don't feel like doing an indepth summary like before, so I'll just make some bullet points:

[spoiler]SIMONE IS STILL DEAD, LOL. The Simone from the previews is a still-unnamed super with the power to create illusions. Is HRG's new partner.
Speaking of HRG, he's forgotten everything from the time that he took Mrs. Bennet home from the hospital.

The company uses this new super to screw over HRG.

Nathan has actually been snooping on Linderman all along, he was accepting his campaign contributions to get the FBI near him. Jessikki kills the FBI. Nikki comes back in control by the time she gets to Nathan and tells him to punch her. He does. We all wish we could.
Nathan finally (or rather, we) meets Linderman, he likes to hang out in the kitchen. Instead of killing Linderman, Nathan makes the classic deal with the devil. Linderman knows all about the people with powers, including Nathan's of course.

Isaac shoots up heroin. He paints a picture of himself dead with his head cut open.

Hiro finally steals the sword with Nathan (and later Ando's) help. (And I spew four-letter words at the idea of Sylar eating brains being considered "silly" but a magical sword granting Hiro power as "not silly.") With his "restored" power, Hiro teleports, again to future NY, which is in ruins.

Mohinder is not as dumb a smart person as I originally thought. He spike's Sylar's tea and gets some of his spinal fluid so he can develop his inhibitor (and tortures Sylar along the way). He tried to shoot Sylar in the head but Sylar stops it with TK. Sylar demands the list.
Peter pays Mohinder a visit but finds him [nailed?] to the ceiling. And Sylar starts to cut Peter's head open.

And the Haitan has been working for Angela Petrelli all along.[/spoiler]

I know what you're thinking:
[spoiler]Is Peter dead?[/spoiler]
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Postby Alice » Mon Mar 05, 2007 11:33 pm

[spoiler] C'mon. How could he be? He has all the powers of Sylar. [/spoiler]
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Postby Aka-chan » Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:19 am

Alice wrote:[spoiler] Okay, did anyone else notice that the side Mr. Bennett got shot in last week was NOT the side he was holding in agony at the beginning of this week's episode? Or was that my imagination? ]

[spoiler]I totally saw that too and spazzed, but if you rewatch that part, that shot was taken in a mirror. The camera pans after maybe 30 sec and you see that HRG is actually holding the appropriate side.[/spoiler]
asdfjkl;No new episodes until April 23!!! I'm gonna go nuts...when does the box set come out?
[spoiler]No way Peter's dead; that doesn't happen. We get emo-abuse, not emo-homocide.[/spoiler]
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Postby Ingemar » Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:52 pm

Some thoughts:

[spoiler]Angela Petrelli as Claire's mysterious custodian is certainly the biggest bombshell in episode 18, but that still leaves some questions/inconsistencies:

The Haitian claimed he knew nothing of Nathan, but he worked for his mother? Either he was lying at the time or this is a plot hole.

What does Mrs. Petrelli have in mind for Claire? Is she working with, against or independent of Primatech? I find it odd that she has the Haitian protect her granddaughter but doesn't mind that he tried (but failed) to abduct both of her sons. (Maybe she doesn't know, but if she knew, why wouldn't she care?)[/spoiler]

Also, if the Heroes become a Justice League-type confederation, Mohinder SOOOO needs to be Batman. Let's see--both scientists, both seeking revenge for dead parents, both... can outsmart people more powerful than they are?
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Mar 14, 2007 2:14 pm

Let's come up with some super-hero style names for the heroes.
I'll start with Claire.
Claire=Firewalker (because of the pilot)
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Postby Alice » Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:22 pm

You mean we should make them wear costumes? :[
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:47 pm

Alice wrote:You mean we should make them wear costumes? :[

Yehehe! A guy on Deviantart has already been assigning names and costumes to the heroes, I personally think that Hiro, Niki and Claire are pretty Nifty ^^


I think it's now about 5 or 6 weeks until it's back, right? I think I'm going into depravation mode. I miss my weekly dose of Claude snark, but there's no guarantee that he'll even be back with the new episodes :(

Dangit, I'm going to have to try to find some Doctor Who episodes soon so I can at least watch Eccleston.
[spoiler]Also, let us have a moment of silence for the Emo Bangs. Rest in peace oh eye poking/Peter blinding hair pieces, rest in peace ]
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Postby Alice » Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:22 pm

That link is actually pretty cool. (I still don't think they belong in costumes in the show, but it's funny for referential, humorous art.)

I saw an article in the paper over the weekend about how some fans thought there was (or wanted there to be!) links between Lost and Heroes. The makers basically said no, it was a coincidence, but how cool, and it would be fun to have an episode with a crossover character, but the networks were different, etc., so it's unlikely to ever happen. The makers of both shows knew each other though, I believe.

I don't watch Lost, but I thought I'd throw it out there for all you Lost fans. Perhaps you can find more info (and conspiracy theories!) by searching the grand ol' web.

[spoiler]The Eccleston guy reminds me of a character of my own (in both the Heroes episodes and the Dr. Who show, albeit different versions of him). Maybe it's just Eccleston, and his acting.
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Postby <:3)~mouse » Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:33 pm

faithfighter wrote:so anyone on here like Heroes?? personally I think it is the best show ever!!!
Peter is my fav character!!

luv it
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