jon_jinn wrote:yeah. i saw a summary for the anime and it looked interesting. don't know much about the content though. if anyone can tell me something about the anime, please do so. thanks.
Ichigo_89 wrote:I've read up to vol.3 of the manga and I must say besides the content, it's an awesome manga (dunno bout the anime's faithfulness to the manga). Kinda in the vain of Cowboy Beop (in alot of areas) so if U like, Bebop this is sorta like an edgier sort-of Bebop type of title.
jon_jinn wrote:i love bebop but...the way Splitter 2.0 described it made me simply want to drop the idea of trying it out altogether...
jon_jinn wrote:well, i'm not so much worried about the violent content as i am about the sexual content and nudity. but, now that i know it's like bebop i'm tempted to try it out. would it be alright if i PM you (Splitter 2.0) regarding the content?
Splitter 2.0 wrote:Nudity and sexual content isn't that much a problem save for a few moments. I'll put them in spoilers so it won't be a hassle to anyone else.
[spoiler]Sexual content and nudity normally is not a problem in the first season. No full-frontal or anything like that to worry about... but Season 2 is where they strike. The most extreme cases revolve around a set of twins, no older than 10, who have a passion for cannibalism, mutilating corpses, and each other. Their arc, while only 3 episodes, is the most disturbing of the series, even for those who have "seen it all".
The final arc has a lot of sexual innuendo, hints at rape and sexual assault, but nothing is ever committed to in those words and the perpetrators of such threats meet their justified end.[/spoiler]
So try the first season and see what you think, but take heed in the beginning of Season 2. You'll know if you can stand it or not rather quickly.
jon_jinn wrote:yeah. i don't think PMing you will be needed anymore. the first season sounds possible, but does the first season end at a cliffhanger (or an unsatisfying ending?) or is it possible to simply watch the first season, and stop it there?...
jon_jinn wrote:so, it WOULD be possible to watch only the first season then? also, how many episodes is the first season? 12?...
JayF wrote:Lots of pop culture references in this one. Revy loves the Oprah Winfrey Show, watched the Wild Bunch and there's a Invincible Terminator Maid.
Splitter 2.0 wrote: You, on the other hand, and the more extreme Christians won't for some very obvious reasons.
Kai Robin wrote:Us "extreme" Christians huh?
I have a hard time justifying this show on any remotely Christian means. I tried to make up excuses for the first season because it had awesome action scenes but for goodness sakes this show delves into pedophilia, incest, and mutilation as entertainment at the start of the second.
Any excuse is laughable to try to have this show as "acceptable" for a Christian audience.
jon_jinn wrote:i take it that the second arc (second half) takes quite a dive in the area of violence as well huh?...
Splitter 2.0 wrote:I wouldn't say it was "entertaining". I was thoroughly disturbed by the vampire twins arc, but it was solid storytelling and I really felt for those kids. They had gone through hell on Earth. It just made the final episode of their arc all the more moving.
It's like they said. They did what they had to to stay alive, even if that meant becoming monsters.
Tom Dincht wrote:I'm assuming this has no relation to "Creature from the Black Lagoon?"
Splitter 2.0 wrote:I get what you are saying, but you know, Black Lagoon thrives on shock value, taking the most innocent stereotypes in anime (maids, children, schoolgirls) and making them as brutal as possible. It's not a Christian anime in any sense. Someone just asked about it and I told them it's not the kind of anime a lot of people here are going to like, and that's how this discussion started. I warned them, and people kept responding and this is where the discussion led.
You cannot simply turn a blind eye to shows like this just because they are unchristian. Anime is a fickle thing and it's hard to tell what's Christian from what's not. That's why people make these threads.
Kai Robin wrote:2-I am not someone to judge you personally, but in a CHRISTIAN forum we should not be reccomending a show that is the anti-thesis of what we're supposed to believe with "well its hardcore evil but man is it awesome so as long as your not offended you should watch it dude,"
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