How did you get into anime?

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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:32 pm

Actually, I talk alot about old Anime (see last post), but I never really got into it until a year or so ago. I've always had a special place in my heart of animation, and these were just shows from Japan, what's the difference? I even spent some time badmouthing most it for following various in-genre borderlines (boy pilots in giant robots, transforming girls, product placement, etc.), and was over-all a very shallow-minded person against it; I was open to the idea that there was some out there I might like, but it was doubtful.

Since then, I've managed to root out some genuinely good series I thoroughly enjoy, though I sometimes set the bar a little high when comparing them.
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Postby andi » Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:54 pm

I got into anime officially last summer...mostly because I was into gaming a little bit, anime is not too far away from that.

I don't know why I got into it--I was bored and wanted to try something new. I realized that I really liked it. I had watched some Pokemon back in the day, but it never really made an impression on me. Last summer I started with Naruto and Inuyasha, some Miyazaki films...the rest is history.

And then, I providentially started dating an anime-fan and he's introduced me to more stuff and also some manga. That's my story!
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Postby Masaka_Naraku » Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:23 am

Anime was there since I was young.

Even though I didntknow what It was. I did like Pokemon,Sailor Moon and Cardcaptors (Sakura) when I was a kid.

I think the Interest took form in 2003 I think.
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Postby Pan Chan » Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:26 am

Oh boy... lol
I got into anime welll.... the first time I ever saw a anime show on tv lol.
I was, like, real little and I turned on the tv, like, at, like, 1:00am and found some realy scary show on cartoon network.
I had no idea what it was but I liked it, for like, the 2 secounds I watched it. (To scary lol)
Eversince I tried finding out what it was, then my brother started watching SailorMoon and stuff and I fell inlove until I was, older.
Then I heard anime was and thought it was evil until I turn, like, older then I started liking it agin....
yah.... lol
Long version.
Whatever... lol
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Postby Somebody'sPet » Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:57 am

My first introduction to mature animation was an animated film done by the French or British(I can't remember who or which studio), and its was the original 1978 WaterShip Down. When I was young, I must've watched that flick something like 200 times(I'm not joking), and every single scene is edged into my head. I'll also be VERY honest here too, I do have the original 1981 Heavy Metal on DVD. I don't like that flick for its excessive cursing, nudity scene, and all that jazz. I purely like it because its a classic in the visual arts and animation category. What I liked about those two films is that the studios that created them basically looked Disney dead in the face and told them that animation can be just as engaging a live action. I kind of disrespect Disney because they're the ones that made the western world have this mindset about that animated films are for children.
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