rocklobster wrote:Great update, CR! I have a few ideas, if you don't mind.
1. You've already had two of the archangels show up in your story. Why not have Raphael show up soon? He's the archangel of healing. If you want some ideas, see if you can find a Bible with the book of Tobit in it. I know some Bibles don't have it, but I think the New American Standard version might. He also shows up on Touched By an Angel sometimes. If you've ever watched it, he was that Hispanic dude who worked with Monica and Tess on some of the episodes. He was actually my favorite character on the show.
2. Can you introduce a character named Jason next to encourage Darcy to become a good person. (yes, it's a character based on me. Or at least, your impression of me) He can be a student at Darcy's school and be very kind and humorous. You can give him a sense of intuition that tells him whether people are good to know or not. He should be in a special education class (I was in one for most of my school days because I had a bad temper. But you don't need to include that flaw) And yes, he can be a Catholic, since I told you I'm one. If you need any help on how Catholics view Christianity, I'd be glad to help. BTW, normally, special ed kids aren't popular, but have him meet Nathaniel. Jason has a fiery spirit that can be easily noticed.
3. Did you know that in the comic book version of Justice League there was an angel named Zauriel? Maybe you could have him make a cameo. (as in a walk-on. Like have him pass by and have one of Nathaniel's angel friends go "That's Zauriel. He's so cool. He knows Superman." And then have Nathaniel say "But I thought Superman wasn't a real person".)
4. As I said in my PM, please feel free to use Michieru's guardian angel, Murasame. Maybe you can have him show up and give Nathaniel some advice. He can introduce himself as a former guardian of a great Japanese swordsman . In fact, as far as I'm concerned, he can be a regular character. You can add the "el" as a suffix if you want to keep your pattern. Like this: Murasame-el.
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