All CAA Chat Users Read

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All CAA Chat Users Read

Postby Stephen » Sat Nov 25, 2006 9:00 am

Ok members. I wish I had a nicer post to make on this afternoon, but I do not. It has come to the staffs attention that there is a ton of e-flirting going on in the chat. Not only e-flirting, but people being perverted in general. The staff has been cool about this. Many of us, (myself included) have asked various members to tone it down, and take it to PM. But we have been ignored.

Now, the staff have members complaining that the chat is annoying to even use anymore because of a few people who choose to make the CAA chat there e-soap opera. No more. The CAA chat is for everyone. Not for a select few to run everyone else off. If you have somthing personal to say to another member, use the private message feature.

If you want to be a pervert, do it on your dime. We won't tell you how to act on your own IM programs. But we do have a say in what gets said in the Chat. Failure to follow this, will result in a temporary ban on your chatting rights. If that does not work, further action will be taken.

I would ask that you all think carefully about what you say and do in the chat, as some new members visit that before they even post on the boards. Most the time, the chat is not an example of what I would want new members to see. Thank you for your time, and happy chatting.
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