lol. XD
OK! so, i have a bunch of new pictures for all of yous. :]
My boyfriend and I broke up a week ago... so in order for me to not go completely depressed and crazy, and to distract/amuse myself- I decided to draw menz.
lots of menz.
tough menz, hot menz, smexy menz, punky menz, vampire menz, non-vampire menz, tattooed menz, pierced menz, innocent menz, bad boy menz, nice guy menz, funny menz, quiet-type menz; the whole enchilada.
tee hee.
but first! let's start this off with a new, revamped, renewed picture of Daisuke!! Everyone remembers him, right? :O
welllll here he is!
tee hee, he has his hair out. :]
Daisuke does not like to wear a shirt. apparently.
More pictures of Fel, the vampire guy! :O
ah-ho, someone found out his secret! zomg!
and last but not least!
This guy in sunglasses!!! I dont have a name for him... you guys can name him if you want.
He's the first of the menz installment. XD
who can resist his adorable, black curly locks? or his dark aviator glasses? or his nice toned bod? NO ONE! THAT'S WHO!
(please ignore the horrible, dreadful anatomy mistakes)
I really do enjoy his tattoo on his chest.
lets get a close up on that, shall we?
frankly, i really like that design, and maybe when I'm a bit older, I might get it. :O