Kite, check out This is where I ordered mine, but I'll warn you that what you get is random and honestly not worth the price for how small it is, though it is a cool little doo-dad.
Usso-M, if ya wanna give it a try, type up a review and have the mods look over it. My thoughts of writing one have gone south for now since my computer is refusing to work correctly (*is at the library*).
Reliant K 09, not only, saddly, did they not get their memories back, but they MAY have even less memories, or rather, equal to whatever they had in Episode One? *Is this too spoiler-ish? If so, I'll edit*
And I understand what you're saying, Kevin, I felt the same conviction too and erased about 200-300 MP3s off my laptop. Thankfully enough, though, my Season One OST has arrived in the mail a week or two ago, so the sounds of Big O can be heard in the streets as I drive around. ^_^