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Postby Jman » Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:30 pm

Any of you guys ever hear of them? welll, recently i've been turned on to more of a harder style of music, and one of my friends recomended them, i know they swear alot from listening to them at his house, but they seem really good, any thoughts?

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Postby dyzzispell » Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:03 pm

Weird, they really DID name themselves after the character from The Neverending Story.
Wonder what made them do that. That was the first thing I thought of when I saw the thread title...
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Postby Kkun » Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:43 pm

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring.

Seriously, I try to stay out of threads where I don't like the band but I have to step in and prevent you from listening to bad music, and Atreyu is bad. I'm not even talking about their cursing, I'm talking about how they're just awful. And boring. And sound like everything else. Yawn. Seriously, listen to some Underoath or something. It's the same thing but better.
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Postby GrubbTheFragger » Mon Oct 23, 2006 8:02 pm

I kinda like them. I have there Suicide notes and Butterfly kisses album. I find it interesting but under no cercumstances would i EVER recommend them. They are violent and explict. I can't remember the song name but one song is very hateful toward christians (at least hypocritical christians) it actually has a decent meaning behind it but it is very VERY hateful. Be warned when listening to them. I would go a safer direction and listen to UnderOath as Jamie mentioned or Chariot (real hardcore) Norma Jean, Unearth, or August burns red
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Postby everdred12a » Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:27 am

Even though I'm going about this a different way, I'm still saying that I wouldn't bother with Atreyu.

Atreyu is decent. Don't attack me yet, Jamie, just hear me out. Atreyu is what I would call a 'my first harcore band' sort of band. When you're new to hardcore, you can listen to Atreyu and enjoy it, but when you move on to better hardcore bands, you really start to realize how untalented and bland they are. That's really all there is to it. If you're new to hardcore, as you say you are, Atreyu isn't all that bad. But you'll get tired of them pretty quickly, as most of their songs have similar structures. I own their second album, 'The Curse,' which I haven't felt compelled to listen to in a very very long time.

I wanted to take the time to list some hardcore bands that would be good listens, but to be honest, I don't own all that much hardcore... I'm not much of a hardcore fan. I can't give the nod to all of the bands previously listed... I've never liked Underoath, the Chariot, or Norma Jean, and I've never heard of the other bands...

From my limited collection of hardcore, I'd suggest the Showdown. They're not straight hardcore, but metalcore. They're a good listen, as is ZAO. I would recommend 'The Funeral of God' from ZAO's disc library, and (as far as I know) 'A Chorus of Obliteration' is the only Showdown record out.

But yeah, all in all, my recommendation is that you just bypass Atreyu and go for something better right from the start.

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Postby dyzzispell » Tue Oct 24, 2006 10:38 am

Bad messages in music really do sink in. Most people like to write it off and say "it's just music, it doesn't matter what it says." But that is simply not true. I went through an Alanis Morrisette phase, with her Jagged Little Pill album. The more I listened to it, the more I found myself getting more and more angry with my ex-boyfriend (who basically semi-abused me). When I finally realized what was happening, I threw the album out and never looked back. I also find that my outlook and mood gets better when I listen to Christian music.
There really is something powerful in music. Actually, in all media. And the crowds a person hangs out around. I believe that now, after my own experiences. These things can be used for good or bad, but either way, it does have an after effect. Please, be careful what you let into your mind. Before you know it, things will start coming out that you never knew you had in you.
I'll never forget the first day I "slipped" and let out a curse. Mind you, I DON'T slip. I don't let the stuff get into me so that there's any chance of slippage. I avoid movies with loads of profanity. I just have this thing inside me that refuses to use bad language, even when angry. But for a while I let my guard down and didn't care about hearing it as much. And before I knew it, I slipped. I couldn't believe I actually slipped, but it woke me up to what was happening, and how I'd let my guard down.
If Atreyu is that bad, then you really should avoid them. (I personally don't know who they are, other than the name thing I mentioned above.) Find a more positive alternative. You never know what it might do to you, inside.
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