Postby uc pseudonym » Wed Jan 10, 2007 5:30 pm
Unfortunately, this means I'm two podcasts behind. I shall do my best to catch up and provide a meaningful commentary here.
EDIT: In this very post, apparently. I feel as though I have fewer comments then normal, though that may be because I was attempting to read at the same time that I listened.
I found your reflections on gaming in the past year interesting; it hadn't occurred to me to do that and it made me curious. Oddly, I've played quite a few games in the past year.
On FFXII: Link, I agree with what you said about Vaan and Penelo... they were there, but that was about it. All I hope is that this is simply a design flaw, not a sign that the recent sequalization of the series will bring with it underdeveloped characters and abandoned plot elements so as to prepare for another game.
Nate, you really aren't far from the end of the game at all. Finish Giruvegan and there's only one dungeon left, albeit a long one. Unless you're having trouble with the boss fights, I think it'd be worth your while to finish if the storyline interests you at all. For whatever it's worth, the plot gets a decent booster shot at the end of your current dungeon.
One recording issue: for me, at least, I found that some individuals tended to trail off at the end of their points. Because I don't like turning up the volume very high, this meant I missed some of what you said.