After a wonderfull insperation I have been inspired to create a webcomic in honor of my favorite anime, Rock Fighter Gordon!!:dizzy::cool: But of course this is no small task, it will take much work over thje days. I have already made the first strip, it introduces teh 3 main characters of the amine, who are Takeshi Miyuki and Gordon himself I hope to be able to update at least once a week if not more often:drool: so please take a look I know the art work need work :sweat:
minimum age: I would say perhaps 13 as the show is like a PG13 movie!
language: 3 as there may be the occasional bad word but not teribly often
Violence: 6 because Gordon himself is a modern gladiater
Sexual contest: 3 it is rare and not very much of it
nudity: 2 there is rare
bad reglion: 5 there is some magic sometimes like with wizards is the link to the webcomci;)