(Disclaimer: If any other CAA'ers entered, I apologize. Gypsy's my sister, and I'll do all in my power to help her out. If that means plugging her mercilessly without her permission, I'll do just that. What if you don't like that? Well...zerozeroonezerozero.)
Our very own Gypsy is embroiled in a contest to decide the best amateur Christian artists worldwide, so I figured I'd make it known so you guys could help a CAA mod out.
(Look, I really shouldn't have to explain this, but just in case, click on vote, then click on the amateur comic art entry link, then vote for her. Feel free to check out the other stuff, but just remember who didn't ban your bee-hind when you were being crap on the boards. Yeah, that's right, Ark. And if you don't vote for Gypsy, Ark will...well, I'll leave that up to his imagination. Just don't be surprised when you have Powerpuff Girls avatar if you vote otherwise...)