October 28, 2005 Devotion

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October 28, 2005 Devotion

Postby Rev. Doc » Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:45 pm

Keep The Fire Going

"Gather together and come; assemble, you fugitives from the nations. Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood, who pray to gods that cannot save."
Isaiah 46:20

There is a story about a man who had missed church for a number of weeks. The preacher had often called him and asked where he was, but the man kept putting the preacher off. Finally, one day, the preacher stopped by for a visit on a cold winter day. The man was sitting in front of his fireplace and welcomed the preacher and tried to engage him in conversation. However, the minister didn't say much. He just walked over to the fireplace, pulled one of the logs away from the flame - and then went and sat down. They sat there in silence for the longest time, watching the fire. And as they watched, the log that sat off by itself, the fire on it began to smolder and then it went out.

The preacher and the man sat for a long time looking into the fireplace and then the man said "OK, I'll be at church next Sunday."

The message is clear. When we neglect worship and separate ourselves from other believers, the fire is destine to go out in our lives.

Prayer: Ask the Lord to help you always remember the importance of gathering for worship.

"When we worship God as we ought that's when the nations listen."
~Edmund Clowney
"The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible."
~George Burns
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Postby TrigunX89 » Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:10 am

Wow, that's a great example. I haven't been good about going to church, and as I think about it, I can see the effects. Thanks for that! I will remember this and try to be more diligent in church-going.
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Postby animegirl1 » Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:23 am

wow ^_^ *sigh my mom just recently had surgery and she cant drive soo i havnt been able to go to church for a few weeks and i really want to go U.U
The Letter from God Dear child, Despite your silence, I have heard your soul weeping. Why have you been so unhappy? Have you forgotten my everlasting love for you? Child, you are mine. Why have you not called my name sooner? If you seek me, I will answer. I am your counselor, ready to instruct you and show you which path to take. When you come to me, I will embrace you and silence all your fears. Just remember that I am here to hold you close and dry your tears. I will always be right beside you. Not only am I your father, but your best friend. Do not be afraid to ask for my mercy and forgiveness. I know that its hard to live on earth, so I understand when you fall down once in awhile, ask me for help, and I will pick you up and carry you. No one loves you more than I do. When you feel alone, remember I am beside you. When you feel helpless, remember I offer myself to you. When you feel lost, remember I will lead you, and when you feel forgotten, remember that you are my child and I will love you unconditionally. It is never too late to come home. I will be here waiting, ready to embrace you. I will leave the light on for you. Forever with you, God


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Postby Ichigo_89 » Sat Oct 29, 2005 9:24 am

This really hit home. Thank you, Rev.
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