September 9, 2004

Devotional guides to help strengthen your walk in Christ

September 9, 2004

Postby Rev. Doc » Thu Sep 09, 2004 9:16 am

Doing Great Things

"He replied, 'Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'"
Matthew 17:20

Do you remember the stuff you used to write with on the slate at school? Chalk. These days' students use biro, felt pens and computer keyboards.

Have you ever been to the south coast of England? If not you may have seen pictures of it or can remember the wartime song "There'll Be Bluebirds Over The White Cliffs Of Dover." These white cliffs are composed of chalk. Chalk is formed by the shells of very tiny animals called 'Foraminifera', meaning 'hole-bearers'. They are so called because their small shells are pierced with little holes. Thousands of years ago there were trillions of these little creatures in the sea. As they died their shells fell to the sea floor and formed a layer that gradually became thicker and thicker. Then followed an earthquake and pushed the layer upwards to form chalk cliffs.

These cliffs are being destroyed by another small shellfish called a 'Piddock'. This creature can twist its shell rather like an awl or drill bit to make holes in the chalk. They attack the cliffs just above high water, and as the seas pound against the cliffs they are weakened and eventually collapse in a landslide. A naturalist, writing about Piddocks, said that Britain is an island because of the work of Piddocks. Britain was once joined to the continent of Europe, and over thousands of years Piddocks have destroyed the chalk cliffs to form the English Channel. This piece of trivia does highlight what great things can be achieved by very tiny creatures, and how much can result from very little. It would have cost billions to excavate the English Channel, but the humble Piddock did it alone.

Prayer: Ask God to hope you have a faith that will move mountains.

"Ministry that costs nothing, accomplishes nothing."
~John Henry Jowett.
"The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible."
~George Burns
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Rev. Doc
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