This is an excerpt from the book I'm reading --Lord, I Want to be Whole by Stormie Omartian
"We often speak what we hear the devil saying to our minds and think it's truth: 'You're such a failure. You'd be better off dead.' Or we repeat to ourselves what someone else said to us years ago: 'You're worthless. You'll never amount to anything.' The Bible says, 'You are snared by the words of your mouth' (Prov. 6:2). That includes our silent messages to ourselves as well as what we speak aloud. We can't be healed if we continually speak bondage upon ourselves and infect our own emotions. We need to learn exactly who's talking in our minds. Is it the voice of God, is it our flesh, or is it the devil?"
How often I repeat to myself these things...instead of repeating the truth of who God's Word says I am.