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Lain Theories with Spoilers

PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2004 2:11 am
by Bobtheduck
Given Lain*s open-to-interpretation nature, I can get all sorts of great things out of it... Lain*s Dad is God. That doesn*t mean everything that shows up as her dad is God... (in fact, I think it was pretty clear that the dolls were actually Eiri Masami, including the image of her father) I don*t, like many, think Lain is a goddess or supposed to be Jesus, but rather she is mankind. Eiri tried to get her to call herself a god as well, but she said he was totally wrong because **There was a God all along.** A lot of the psychobable and new age or evolutionary crap can be understood as Eiri*s talking (or rather, his persona on the Wired, since he is actually dead) But, they*re all wrong in the end, and that scene with Lain and her father clenched it for me in the end. Of course, this is my interpretation of it. It*s almost certain that is not what the creators had in mind, but the thing is they did have in mind for people to interpret the show as they saw fit. Therefore, I take out of it what I want.

This show is great to try to pick apart.