At long last my favorite character appears! (Naruto Shippuden Spoilers!!!)

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At long last my favorite character appears! (Naruto Shippuden Spoilers!!!)

Postby pikmintaro » Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:12 pm


After two years of waiting Konan finally appeared in the anime!
And you know what's even better? her seiyu is Atsuko Tanaka (I was expecting and hoping for this!) she did the voice for Echidna Parass in the anime version of Black Cat, and she also does Motoko Kusanagi's voice in the Ghost in the Shell series! she's perfect for Konan!


I'm sort of surprised they kept her Orange eyes since she doesn't have that in the Manga but it's not a big deal since they look fine either way.
Anyways Konan is one of my favorite characters and I think her abilities are very interesting, she also seems to be very strong willed and kind as when Nagato died she didn't throw a screaming fit and cry her head off (I guess I got too used to Sakura but I guess she will mourn him in private)
I hope Kishimoto focuses on her more sometime in the future, I feel her part in the story hasn't been finished yet and also even though she fought Jiraiya in the third Databook her stats are still "?" so that's a good sign.
I also liked the music at the end of the episode it fits Konan and Pain well imo.

And another good thing about her appearing is that she will finally begin appearing in the Video Games! I can't wait for that!
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