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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:18 pm
by Mangafanatic
It's two for the price of one day at Osaka review approval depo! That's why we have another of Tenshi no Ai's fantastic reviews for your viewing pleasure!

Note: I lied. It's not really two for the price of one day. Actually, I just started editting this review before I realized that I had already approved one of TnA's reviews this week. I apologize to the rest of you who are waiting for your reviews to be approved. I'm working on completing them. I promise!!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 9:17 am
by Radical Dreamer
Great review, Tenshi! Pretty sure you covered all the necessary bases on the content, and I agree with everything else in the review. Good job! :D

PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 10:43 am
by Tenshi no Ai
Sometimes I forget the stuff I write up (although I can see it's been slightly edited here and there, which is nice because I'm a horrible editor^^). I try to be as thourough as possible on all the issues though (can be a bit tough sometimes^^)

Oh, just like to mention that since I wrote the review there has been 2 other OVAs: one which contains pure fanservice/TONS of skin all the way through, and the other being a comedic one about Touka making a doll which Hakuoro ends up breaking and Oboro gets blamed for.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:34 pm
by KBMaster
Thanks for the review! I have been wondering about this since I saw the review in Play magazine.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:02 pm
by MyrrhLynn
5) Oboro gets drunk with the twins (who ARE guys) and a scene shows them sleeping together.

They are!?! Whoa, that scene now disgusts me at a whole different level. x_x

I think anyone who wants to see how bloody the show is should watch the opening since it's pretty typical of the rest of the sceries (although there is some bodys-get-ripped-apart stuff in the series that obviously isn't in the opening).

I also agree that the ending felt rushed. At the beginning I was like "whooo! I love this show" towards the middle I was like "I don't think I can stand 12 more episodes of this" and at the end I was worried they weren't going to really finish it. Actually the ending confused the heck out of me since they definately explained some of Hakuoro flash backs, but there were some other completely unrelated ones that didn't make sense at all to me. It was almost as if the writers were like "opps we only have 2 episodes left *cram plot in*"

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:10 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
MyrrhLynn wrote:
I also agree that the ending felt rushed. At the beginning I was like "whooo! I love this show" towards the middle I was like "I don't think I can stand 12 more episodes of this" and at the end I was worried they weren't going to really finish it. Actually the ending confused the heck out of me since they definately explained some of Hakuoro flash backs, but there were some other completely unrelated ones that didn't make sense at all to me. It was almost as if the writers were like "opps we only have 2 episodes left *cram plot in*"

If you Wiki Uta up, you'll find the whole background story in detail that was told on the game (which is better reading about it, since the game is an H game). Of course, there's a thing or 2 in there that explains certain things, which is almost better off not knowing [spoiler] such as the part at the end where um... forget her name already^^ The blind girl dies. Yeah it was apparently the result of some stuff that's better off not knowing :/ [/spoiler]

If they ever made a prequel OVA to it all, I'd SO watch it^^ The story with it is pretty awsome.