whats with this pet shop of horrors or something

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whats with this pet shop of horrors or something

Postby desperado » Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:57 pm

last anime con tons of people talked about it, there was a person cosplaying as a character of it even... ummm it was a letter with chan like z chan or c chan or something.. anyways whats with this series, i never even heard of it till colosocon then people are saying its such a good series and that crazy chan person with the horns and claws, was a good cosplay but makes me wonder what in the world is it even about.....

well since its not in the reviews and i didnt see mention of it im wondering if anyone knows about it because if its decent i may check it out. and if its not ill have another reason to say "con people do not know what there talking about most of the time"
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Jun 25, 2005 11:27 pm

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