I'd have to agree with Hitokiri here. It is one of my favorite Miyazaki films next to "My Neighbor Totoro." Jeikobu, I think its great you're listening to your mom, however.
And, I think you pretty much can come to your own conclusions with her help as to what you can and what you can't watch.
With that being said, here is my opinion on Princess Mononoke: I wasn't overwhelmed by the environmentalist view, however I realize that probably the big-name actors who dubbed on this movie came on board thinking it was very pro-environmentalism. I believe, and this message was shot down, it is about how mankind is selfish, and also how each man can both be right and wrong and will always go by his own personal agenda. The most important thing is to love one another and consider them. Now, the forest was added into this equation because of Miyazaki's belief system of the world. I don't even know if I made sense.
I actually wanted to find out Miyazaki's views on his films and watched a very long interview with him a while back. This is what impresses me about him as a non-Christian filmmaker, which he is - he is
not a Christian. He is not a die hard Shintoist, either and kind of is like many church-goers, who hold to that belief system but doesn't always follow it.
I appreciate the fact that he stands by a belief that he will not place a bunch of fan service or foul language in his movies which serve no purpose. The violence in Princess Mononoke was to prove a point - at how far man will go to get his way.
Princess Mononoke is a classic in my house and I enjoy it when I watch it. I never felt all buggy about the message for the environment, and the ending was really great, because it was not the usual, clean and trite, "the boy gets the girl and they live happily ever after." There was the background of everyone to consider and it was more realistic because of the ending - I thought. That is truly my opinion on Miyazaki and this movie. I know it is not the same of some of our more esteemed members of CAA, but it's mine and I'm happy to have it.
We all make our own choices before God on anime, movies, music and all media, and Jeikobu maybe one day you will feel comfortable to watch this through the reasoning behind why Miyazaki made it. I understand, however, if you feel that it would be wrong for you spiritually to watch it.
BTW, Ashley, I really like "Spirited Away" also.
But, I am a big fan of Miyazaki.