Postby oro! » Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:21 pm
Who else is a fan of it and/or Guardian Force. I love the story a lot more than the later ones which only made the Zoids fighting as tournaments. Nothing makes a series good like real battle for a reason!
I, for one, wish they'd bring it back, though I do have some tapes of it somewhere.
Who was your favorite character? Favorite kinda Zoid?
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
"Zeal without knowledge can lead to chaos." - Bob Rohm
"Why don't we love his truth as much as we seem to love his love?"- Cross Movement, in their song "Check us Out"