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Fruits Basket: the stories behind the stories

PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 8:23 pm
by Cedahlia
I just love this series! Everytime I watch it, I feel so good inside! If I am a little blue I pop in the DVD and am smiling in no time. Anyways, I have a friend who is, dare I say it, obsessed with this series, and informs me of little things that piece the whole thing together.

My friend showed me a fan fic that offered a theory as to why Kyo gets so angry at Tohru when she cries. It is because he can't comfort her. Yuki is so good with words that he can say things that make her feel better, and cheer her up. However we all know that Kyo isn't good at expressing himself with words. So what people usually do to comfort others is to hug them. But Kyo can't do that either! So he gets frustrated, and loses his temper when she cries. That makes sense to me!

(Warning: contains spoilers from the anime)

[spoiler]Remember when Kyo was little, and he was standing in his demon form in front of Akito? Everyone thought that Akito had taken his bracelet off when, really, he and Kagura had been playing and she had accidentally ripped it off his wrist. When she saw him she called him a monster and ran off. That was when Akito had come over. Afterwards, when Kyo was back to normal Kagura came to him and said that she was so sorry for saying that, and she really did accept him in all his forms. Poor Kyo never believed her, and that is why he treats her like he does. Also that is why Kagura said that Tohru had to go after Kyo when he transformed at the end of the anime. She knew that he needed someone who could accept him immediately in his demon form.[/spoiler]

Anyone else know little things like that? I just love reading about them; like I said before, they make sense and piece things together! ^^

(mod note: I put spoiler tags around the spoiler-y stuff for you. to do that, do this with no spaces: [ spoiler ]text goes here[ /spoiler ] ^_^ --shiroihikari)

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 10:56 am
by Kisa
WOW! That is really true about Kyo! He can't comfort her in the ways she needs so he gets angry, I never really thought about that before, very god insight ^^. I alos never thought about the Kagura Akito bracelet incident. That makes sense too. . . poor Kyo *hugs Kyo* he has ben through so much and deserves Tohru more than Yuki! Darn Rat! Go Cat!!!!
By the way, welcome to CAA Cedahlia! ^^ :glomp:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 3:54 pm
by Cedahlia
^^ Thank you! And I know. Poor Kyon-kyon. I wish that he could trust Kagura. But, with all the stuff that he has to go through I understand why he wouldn't be too trusting.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 5:11 pm
by Kisa
Yes yes, I so understand! Being a military brat I have moved around ALOT and have had a very hard time truting some people rather than getting hurt so I can understand that aspect. . . *hugs Kyo * Aww its ok Kyo kun! ^^

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 6:27 pm
by TwilightKissC3
Awwwwww Poor Kyo~kun :sniffle:
i wish i could hug him but i cant :waah!:

PostPosted: Mon Aug 09, 2004 9:36 pm
by thalia
I absolutely LOVE Fruits Basket. I've watched the anime series about three times now, and I am currently reading the manga series (the fourth volume comes out TOMORROW, YAY!)! I've also gotten my cousin and my sister to love it! The series is just so cute, AND good! All of the characters are funny, awesome, and surprising...and there are SO many! There are 14 volumes in the manga series, but the anime series stops at vol. 6! I can't wait for all of the manga to come out in America because it goes so much deeper than the anime! And it is ten times as funny! I recommend the manga for fans of the anime! You'll LOVE it! Reading the manga, I've caught things that aren't mentioned in the anime or are left out! Like the fact that Momiji is half-German!!! And that Kyo's bracelet is supposed to be dark orange and white, NOT black and white, like in the anime! Anywho...I just love this series, and it's quickly becoming my favorite! :grin:

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 5:34 pm
by christianfriend
Pore pore Kyo. I just love Fruits basket! I have the series on DVD its so funny! Just thinking about the 6th episode makes me laugh! :lol:

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 6:10 am
by Namida
yeah. i wonder why that wasn't in the 2nd manga...oh well...^_^
fruits basket has so many good themes in makes me smile.
also, I learn a buncha stuff from 'Tohru's inspirational speeches' a lot. And now, since I have the 3rd and 4th dvds, I can see my adorable Kisa-chan!
::huggles Kisa:: :hug:
::hugs Momiji-he turns into bunny-hugs him anyway:: ::hug::
Momiji-chan needs a hug....