Teen Titans Movie

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Teen Titans Movie

Postby ashfire » Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:06 pm

So what did everyone think about this movie.
I liked it.
I guess there is more to the Teen Titans song when you see Beast Boy trying to sing it at a Karaoke place and the voices of the other Titans sing it at the end of the movie.
I would hope the Warner Brothers work on more movies based on the Titans and other series they have out.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Sep 16, 2006 6:40 pm

This is a fairly gloomy response, but this movie reminded me of why I no longer watch Teen Titans and of everything that originally disappointed me about the series. Maybe I should just admit that it is for a much younger audience and not criticize.

The plot could have been worse, but it moved at a pace that made it seem rather simplistic. I suspected the villain within minutes of his first appearance and actually called it a few minutes later. When it came time for the big revelation I just sighed. It is a shame Slade is gone.

My other complaints include almost everything meant to be funny and the Robin/Starfire relationship, but I'll restrain myself for the time being.
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Postby Mega.EXE » Sat Sep 16, 2006 7:41 pm

meh it was ok I didn't expect much though
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Postby MorwenLaicoriel » Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:14 pm

Aw man! T_T I completely forgot this was tonight and I missed it!!
Gah, I"ll have to get a rerun of it...or maybe catch it when it comes out on DVD.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Sep 17, 2006 1:23 pm

The Robin/Starfire kiss seems to have been the main point of the whole plot.
Also note this is the first time we see Robin in civvies.
It was a bit obvious the longer you watched you the real villian was going to turn out to be.I think I pretty much had it figured out the first or second time he showed up.Also BB's idea of touring the manga company seemed to be
more important than everyone was letting on so you kinda knew it was going to be
pivotal.They also tried to put in as many cliches of Japanese manga/anime in there as possible.Including the Catgirl,Robotboy and Mecha.
In short it was pretty cliched ridden,though the kiss at the end was worth everything else.
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Postby dyzzispell » Sun Sep 17, 2006 3:52 pm

But that's what is so fun about Teen Titans - the simplicity of it all. I think it's a cute show. I was sad to see it go...
And if it IS for a much younger audience, then there must be something wrong with me. :sweat:
For anyone who understands Japanese writing, did you notice Robin's name was spelled wrong in his mugshot? Sure, it still said Robin, but the first two symbols were katakana, and the last was hiragana. They don't combine them in names like that, especially foreign names. Funny thing, one of the street signs they kept showing said Robin, and the whole thing was in katakana... :eyebrow:
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sun Sep 17, 2006 5:26 pm

Mitsuki lover, note that I took out the name in your post. That's technically a spoiler, I believe, though barely.

mitsuki lover wrote:Also note this is the first time we see Robin in civvies.

He should have kept them on.

dyzzispell wrote:But that's what is so fun about Teen Titans - the simplicity of it all.

But simplicity does not have to be equivalent to simple-mindedness.
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Postby creed4 » Sun Sep 17, 2006 6:42 pm

I tought it was good, but did feel that it was a little simplistic. I thought they should have done some more planning before going to Toyko, Like calling the athorities there...

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Postby jon_jinn » Sun Sep 17, 2006 9:30 pm

i used to watch teen titans on saturday morning cartoons. some episodes would add to the plot and others were simply side episodes. i thought it was a pretty good show but stopped watching it after i started going to basketball practice on saturday mornings. i never really watched it after that.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:31 pm

I actually really liked this movie...I guess it reminded me of why I LOVE this series and how much I wish it would come back...

I am sorry but I laughed so much when BB got called Otaku...and he was like "THAT MEANS I AM HOT RIGHT?!"

It's the simplicity that I love...and yet it wasn't entirely simplistic...I noticed a lot of character development in the movie...

And yesh the ending rocked...though I had to laugh at it...It was a "that's so cute" laugh though XD.

I figured out the villian rather early as well...

I just wished we would have gotten SOME closer about Terra and BB!!! *fuuummmeeE*

I missed Puffy Ami Yumi's TT song...:<
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Postby Zeke » Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:32 pm

Teen Titans, No. How can you like it, stay old school homes, and dont do crack
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Postby dyzzispell » Mon Sep 18, 2006 6:36 am

Zeke wrote:Teen Titans, No. How can you like it, stay old school homes, and dont do crack

Ummmm.... what?? :eyebrow: (I'm probably just too old to get what you just said...)
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Postby mitsuki lover » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:51 am

I must be even more confused by that comment.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Mon Sep 18, 2006 1:46 pm

Odd saying...

I think the confusing person means to stick to the older comics...

I dun like the comics...Its....kinda racey... >_>
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Postby dyzzispell » Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:50 pm

ChristianRonin wrote:I dun like the comics...Its....kinda racey... >_>

Yeah I've seen the cover of the Teen Titans comic. How do they get away with calling them "teens"? StarFire is rather.... well-endowed... and in most of the pics I've seen her outfit can barely be called clothing! They sure aren't drawn like teens... :shake:
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Postby ashfire » Mon Sep 18, 2006 2:55 pm

Then acourse today how many teens have to carded to be sure they are not trying to do what adults do.
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Postby MorwenLaicoriel » Mon Sep 18, 2006 3:28 pm

Teen Titans isn't the 'deepest' cartoon out there (...although, compared to most american cartoons...), but I think it's less "simple" than you might think at first glance. The characters really changed and developed throughout the series, which is a lot more than what most cartoons can say.

I think it was time for the series to go, though--I LOVE it, but, it was starting to lag the last couple of seasons. Better to quit while you're ahead than completely jump the shark, I think.

EDIT: Well, actually, I guess the show kind of jumped the shark when the Titans East were introduced. But it still ended better than a lot of shows do. XD
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Mon Sep 18, 2006 11:35 pm

In the REALLY REALLY old Teen Titans comics (before Starfire and Cyborg ect. were even heard of) the characters WERE teens. However, when the New Teen Titans was kicked off, the characters where actually fairly grown up by then. (The only character under 18 was Changeling/Beast Boy)

In addition, the comics were written in more of a mature fashion similar to X-Men, ect. (And they were EXTREMELY well written)
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Postby Animus Seed » Tue Sep 19, 2006 3:47 pm

dyzzispell wrote:Yeah I've seen the cover of the Teen Titans comic. How do they get away with calling them "teens"? StarFire is rather.... well-endowed... and in most of the pics I've seen her outfit can barely be called clothing! They sure aren't drawn like teens... :shake:

Vic and Starfire, in the comics, are more "the older mentors" to Robin, Superboy, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, etc. than actual "Teen Titans" themselves.

I like the comics. I like what they did with Superboy once they had him ditch the stupid leather jacket and such.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Sep 19, 2006 7:27 pm

ChristianRonin wrote:It's the simplicity that I love...and yet it wasn't entirely simplistic...I noticed a lot of character development in the movie...

Sorry to remain negative, but it is that very character development that I felt was simplistic and thus lessened the level of the film. I cringed at most of the Robin/Starfire scenes.

Zeke wrote:Teen Titans, No. How can you like it, stay old school homes, and dont do crack

Translation for any still confused: I don't like Teen Titans. How can you like it? Remain faithful the older versions, friends. And don't do crack.

MorwenLaicoriel wrote:I think it was time for the series to go, though--I LOVE it, but, it was starting to lag the last couple of seasons. Better to quit while you're ahead than completely jump the shark, I think.

EDIT: Well, actually, I guess the show kind of jumped the shark when the Titans East were introduced. But it still ended better than a lot of shows do. XD

Interesting. My perspective differs, though it may be tainted by the fact that my watching was always sporadic.

Personally, I think that jumping the shark theory doesn't even apply to Teen Titans. It had some episodes that seemed pretty desperate from near the beginning. However, I think it went downhill after the Slade arc. In my mind, they shouldn't have brought him back as a sub-villain; it weakened the series. My personal opinion is that they should have had a final season with Slade's return and a fairly complex overarching plot.
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Postby termyt » Wed Sep 20, 2006 5:52 am

Well, I'm a big fan of the teen titans, but I also agree with UC for the most part on the movie. Considering the character development and story quality through out the TV show seasons, the movie was disappointing. It was rather like watching a 30 minute episode that took 90 minutes of time. The Titans also seemed to be more like their first season selves than their post-TV-series selves. It wasn’t bad; it just wasn’t all that interesting.

The best part of the movie was the closing credits song with each of the titans taking a turn at the microphone.
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Postby God's Samurai » Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:20 am

I personally enjoyed the movie. Admitedly the plot was weaker than I would have hoped and I was able to piece together Brushogun's(the name of which is about as good as umm...say Baby from GT.) indentity long before it was ever revealed. You gotta think how disappointed Batman would be in Robin. Overall, I like the movie and would be willing to watch it again.
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Postby mitsuki lover » Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:23 pm

I think it's spelled Bebi actually.

Yeah,Bats would be disappointed that Robin took so long to figure things out.Though they did have to milk it to get an entire hour and half out of it.
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Postby termyt » Fri Sep 22, 2006 7:07 am

It was good to see the titans in action again. I've actually seen it twice now as I saw the premiere and the encore the next day. I have no real complaints, but I when I heard of a titans movie coming out, I was hoping for something, I don’t know, more spectacular involving a wide array of other titans and villains.
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Postby AsianBlossom » Mon Mar 05, 2007 9:21 am

I thought it was pretty good. I have been a Teen Titans fan for over a year now, and find the series better than what I could expect from the comics. For some reason (maybe the mature content), the New Teen Titans series just doesn't appeal to me.

Now, I'm not saying that the movie wasn't lacking anything...but I did find it rather odd that Raven seemed to be a little more violent towards BB in this movie than she normally is.

(Wow, I always seem to find the older topics...maybe it's just because I'm new)
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:02 am

termyt wrote:I have no real complaints, but I when I heard of a titans movie coming out, I was hoping for something, I don’t know, more spectacular involving a wide array of other titans and villains.

We were hoping for an actual feature film, not an episode of the TV show with longer than average running time.
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Postby KeybladeWarrior » Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:43 pm

I didnt care for the movie myself. I think it just wasnt a great movie. Too young for me.

Nuff said.
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Postby The Doctor » Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:23 pm

I'm upset because they didn't develop a Raven/Beast Boy relationship after flirting with the idea for goodness knows how many episodes...

I didn't like the movie too much. It felt like nothing more than a hour and a half tv episode, and when that's all you've accomplished in a movie than you've failed.

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Postby AsianBlossom » Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:27 am

The Doctor wrote:I'm upset because they didn't develop a Raven/Beast Boy relationship after flirting with the idea for goodness knows how many episodes...

Yeah, I was a little disappointed with that myself...they just made her beat up on him more. Is that love? Sounds more like a sister and her younger obnoxious brother to me.
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Postby Blitzkrieg1701 » Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:35 am

The Doctor wrote:"Picard's movies feel like bloated tv episodes. Kirk's movies feel like MOVIES!" Reason # 2455 that Kirk is better than Picard.

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