Okay, I saw this whole series with my brother a few months ago. I don't know if I remember it well enough to do a real review, but there are a few thing I want to mention about it.
The first DVD was pretty good. It was fast paced (much better than the manga in my opinion because the first episode covered what it took the first volume to tell).
But later in the series, the quality of production went down hill. (Both with cuts in budget, or something, and lots of review episodes. Far too many.)
By the third or fourth DVD, something really disappointing happened.
[spoiler]The two main characters had sex. Teen sex was certainly shown as a good or at least acceptable thing. It was off-camera and everything, but you knew what had happened. I was really disappointed in the characters and the author.[/spoiler]
The ending of the season seemed like it was not really an end. (They did not finish the plot point they were working on.)
Other things about content:
[spoiler]A guy friend sometimes acts like he has a crush on the male hero. They are best friends and he has a sort of explanation of this. (He is also girl-crazy.) But when he finds out about the two main characters having sex he still bursts into tears.
Some guys who aren't actual characters in the series have crushes on the main male character.
Oh yeah and at one point there is going to be a school fair, and some people are going to create dojinshi (sp) about the best friend. Some of the covers are shown and look shonen ai.
A character in the series is afraid of her adoptive brother, and imagines what might happen if he likes her. (Because he looks like a punk.) Nothing is really shown. There are a couple other places like that.
One of the main female character's friends has a grown man for a boyfriend. (She's in high school and dating a dentist!) Nothing is made of this except that she likes him because he's "so mature." And it's not shown as weird or anything.[/spoiler]
The story takes some turns later on.
[spoiler]The main male character is shown to be very depressed and unwilling to share his feelings with his girlfriend. He's also very possessive of her but doesn't want anyone to know this. Actually I don't know if you need to know that or not, but it is part of the show. It changes tone. Sometimes he talks to a copy of himself that encourages him to give up, etc. [/spoiler]
Anyway, I wish they'd done a better job with the ending, instead of almost cutting it off. And the content could have been a little better. It wasn't actually that filthy, but I thought someone might want to know about the content someday.
(I probably didn't get everything, but you have an idea now.)
EDIT: Oh yeah, here's the amazon link:
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/de ... d&n=507846