i am having trouble identifying an anime i watched as a young child on Cartoon Network, and was wondering if anyone here could help.
the anime involved a group, several guys and one girl with one younger boy, of teen crime fighters who wore costumes with bird helmets (or something of the sort). they were helped by a professor/scientist type person who gave them advice and created gadgets for them to use.
the only episode i can remember involved a super-villian who had created evil plants that captured and ate women (sort of like venus fly traps). the professor created a special suit that would prevent the plant from eating the women. the girl in the group, against the professor's will, went out in the suit to try to stop the plants, and ended up getting captured. the end of the episode involved the remaining members flying above the field of plants, and trying to destroy them by fire bombing them, and the villian laughing because the plants were releasing seeds and they would take over the world.
something else i remember was that Sailor Moon was running at the same time as this show was.
i know this isn't very helpful, and that there is a possibility that there are other threads on this anime that i don't know about because i don't know the title, but if anyone could help that would be great. thanks.