I have posted this before in an archived thread:
I really think this theory is one that just doesn't work at all. For all the parallels you may think you see, the characters aren't a parable of Christianity, and there are just as many total dissimilarities. I think it's a story that may have been influenced more than a bit by Judeo-Christian thought (especially the wisdom books, I noticed at least some allusions to themes in Job and Proverbs), but still just a very cool sci-fi space western with NO parable meanings or anything.
I don't think Nightow originally intended this, and IMHO to twist a writer's original meaning or intent, even for our own benefit, is ethically questionable at best and leaves us open to embarrassment when we are told that we are wrong.
And Ashley posted this in said thread as well:
"Yeah, I'm with Milly on this one. There's a BIG difference between relating something in the Bible to something you seen on screen (which, yes you can do numerous times with Trigun; from lessons on alcoholism to revenge), but it's another thing entirely to start making it into an allegory. The latter is an arrogant twisting of a media into something that it was never intended to be.
I've noticed a lot of Christians try to "Christianize" everything nowadays; certainly not all, I want to make that clear, but there are a handful of believers that see a movie, realize it's got a lot of good themes in it, and automatically start making it into a Christian movie/allegory. I've seen it done countless times with the Matrix and the Lord of the Rings, and with various anime.
The problem with this is that since the writers did not intend it to be an allegory (Tolkien is a whole 'nother argument in itself, so I won't go there), there are flaws in the analogy, and naturally Christians either avoid these flaws or justify them and it just throws the whole thing off. Like Milly said, as many Messianic attributes Vash or Wolfwood has there are just as many non-Christ like ones as well."
Sorry for bringing back old posts and not really posting anything new, but this theory does not deserve new consideration.