That's right folks it's that time again. (Actually, it's past that time again. Sorry, I've been very busy.)
Anways, this month's wallpaper contest is very special, because it's a wallpaper contest being held jointly with Daystar Designs, which is run by our own Myrrhlynn! In light of the season, our wallpaper contest theme will be: Thankfulness!
And what does that involve, you may ask?
1)You must use a Bible verse in your wall. Not just any verse either. It has to be a verse about [Font="arial"]"Thankfulness."[/font] Something like "Give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His love endures forever," (Psalms 118:1) would work. The basic requirement here is that the subject of the verse being an expression of thankfulness to the Lord.
2) It must be 1024x768. Entries that do not follow these dimensional guidelines will be thrown out. I hate to be so strict about this, but no matter how many times I give this rule someone breaks it. Basically, at some point you just have to put your foot.
3) The entries must be manga or anime themed. No original characters or video game characters, please.
4) While this isn't a rule, I just wanted to mention that I and Myrrhlynn retain the right to throw out entries that don't meet the theme guidelines. No, we're not going to be Nazis about it, but half of the challenge is following the rules laid down. Allowing some entries to avoid jumping that hurdle would be unfair. Anyways, play by the rules, people.
5) All submissions should be in by midnight November, 30th!
5.5) All submissions should be placed in the wallpaper contest forum.
6) Have fun. There will be no negotiating on this point.