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A simple (but useful) tool for algebra students.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:35 pm
by Slater
I have finished my CSc 203.01 project and decided to upload it here for y'all. unlike the rest of my Java apps that I've uploaded here, this one makes use of several (more than 10, I'm sure) java packages. So I'm putting this one in a new thread because it's not nearly as n00bish as my other progs.

Oh yeah, what is it? It's a linear and quadratic equation solver. You can use it to check your work in math (don't use it to cheat please) or for scientific projects.
Also, I will write up another version of the QES. This one currently turns irrational numbers (like Square Root of 13) into approximations. While these aproximations aren't perfect, they are accurate enough for most applications (more accurate than your average desk-top calculator, actually).

All you need to run it is Java Runtime Enviroment 1.5/5.0 (JRE 1.5 and 5.0 are the same. Not sure why they went from 1.4 to 5.0...), which can be downloaded for free from , and how to get around your opperating system's command prompt system (ie, in windows, how to use the cd command. It's not hard; I learned how when I was 5). further doccumentation can be found in the zip. Oh yeah, and you need a program like winzip or winrar to open the .zip file, but... if you don't have that by now, then you fail at internet.

Teh link:

Enjoy! (I like feedback!)

Note1: for those of you who know how to run java apps already, main(String [] args) is located in WelcomeQES.class

Note2: Pretty please don't decompile the code, with cherries on top. The code is all mine, and I don't really mind if someone steals it (ok, maybe I do, just a little :P )... but if the source gets out onto the internet, there's a chance that I could get in major trouble with the CS department. None of us want that... right?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:36 pm
by Dante
Why not use maple, mathcad or (If you have ultimate math l33tness) at TI-89 Titanium (others will work too, but they don't have ultimate math l33tness). I guess I was lucky though, my community college had a licence with Maple that gave them the right to give it out to their math student for free. :)


PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 2:58 am
by Slater
I did it in Java because it was for my Java project.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 4:52 pm
by Technomancer
For the sake of curiosity, what method do you use for solving linear equations?

PostPosted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 10:12 pm
by Slater
basically I use the following equation: x = -c/b
where bx + c = 0

There are many methods involved, including those that handle exceptions (blank fields, 0 b coefficient [though Java can do x/0 equations... it's just not something that's very good to have in such a simple solver], non-Double inputs, etc). Most of the methods involve grabbing the values from the JTextFields and converting them from String data type to Double data type (using Wrapper class). Once that's done, simple algebra and the method to write the answer to the answer JTextField and bam, all done.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2005 11:56 am
by Technomancer
I see. When most people around me talk about solving linear equations, it's usually assumed that they mean linear systems of equations (i.e. matrix computations). Since there are several ways of doing this, I was curious as to which one you might have used. Had I installed your software, I would have known better, although I didn't bother since I already use much more powerful mathematics software packages.