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Quick question....

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Quick question....

Postby bakura_fan » Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:46 am

Is there any possible way to post a video clip on CAA? I have a video clip I wanted to add to the Suki Fan Club thread...but I don't know if I can....Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. ^_^

[color=DeepSkyBlue] "He lives in you. He lives in me. [/color]He watches over everything we see.
Into the water. Into the truth. [color=Yellow][color=DeepSkyBlue]In your reflection, He lives in you." - He lives in you chorus[/color][/color]
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Postby inkhana » Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:49 am

Hmmm...I dunno, but if it's very small, you might be able to zip it and upload the zip file. ^^;;

BOOSTER: Hey, No.1! Where's my cake?!
SNIFIT 1: Booster, Sir! There's a 70% chance the object you're standing on is a cake.
BOOSTER: What? THIS thing's a cake?

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Postby bakura_fan » Fri Aug 27, 2004 11:49 am

How would I do that?

[color=DeepSkyBlue] "He lives in you. He lives in me. [/color]He watches over everything we see.
Into the water. Into the truth. [color=Yellow][color=DeepSkyBlue]In your reflection, He lives in you." - He lives in you chorus[/color][/color]
"Slow, love, slow. Time's so fast. Now goes quickly, see Now it's past!
Soon will come, Soon will last. Wait." [color=Yellow]- Wait (sweeney todd) [/color]

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Postby termyt » Wed Sep 15, 2004 1:29 pm

Zip a file or upload a zip file? To zip a file, you need a utility such as WinZip to compress the file into a zipped format. Uploading the zip file works like any other attachment.

Note, and if this is against the rules, please correct me, that since video files will not compress much when zipped (they will be the same size, relatively speaking), just change the extension of the file to ".zip" so the video would be like "" and let everyone know to just drop the ".zip" off of the file name to see the video. However, file size restrictions will severely limit the size of the video you can attach.
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