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CAA: Christian Anime Alliance • The Untold MLP:FIM
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The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:13 am
by rocklobster
It's been way too long since we had a MLP-themed RP here. I think I need to start one. This will be in the current timeline and will feature all the characters at their current ages. I want Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna. You can also create a pony.
Here's the sheet:
Type: Earth, Unicorn, or Alicorn (however, I will only allow Celestia, Luna, and Cadence)
Cutie Mark (optional--yes I do allow blank flanks):
And here's an original character:
Name: Punky
Type: Unicorn
Cutie Mark: A Flying V guitar
Age: 15
Mane: Green and purple
Hair: Purple
Personality: Punky is an energetic pony who loves to play music. She has her own band called Broken Rainbows.
Bio: Punky learned music at an early age. She finished high school and tried out for "Equestria's Got Talent," landing her a career.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:14 am
by Broly Ultimatrix
Are we following a specific story line or is this a pretty open rp where the players offer up their variouse arcs like Me, Raider and Bio have been doing for a while on this other site? It'ss take me a while to dig up my old OC Pony but I'll find it... Unless it was one of my files that got lost when I lost 235 GB of data from a corrupt hdd... we'll see

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:13 am
by rocklobster
I'd like to make up my own original storyline. Oh, and I would like to have Trixie and of course Discord, but I think it'd be best to be very careful with him. He's way too powerful. (I'd actually like to do a storyline where Discord tries to corrupt Trixie.)

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:50 am
by Broly Ultimatrix
Well it's often the case in stories where powerful characters weaknesess are there characters hense why the Hulk has no self control and L thought he was unstoppable. It's the Titanic effect where it's only weakness was they thought it was unsinkable and if they thought it was they would have taken the precautions to keep it afloat and we would still have it today. All you need is to find someone who can portray Discord properly, preferebly someone who has seen Star Trak and knows the character if Q whom Discord is directly based off of.

I'm still trying to get my stuff but the info is on a hard drive with Linux installed and non of my windows pc's can see the hard drive when it's plugged in :P such a pain.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:55 am
by rocklobster
Then maybe I should do it. Q was one of my favorites

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:27 pm
by Bio_Plus
Dips on Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. (I have automatic dips on Scootaloo always :cool: ) That is if the CMC will be playing a big part in this rp, if they are just going to be side characters it may be best to leave them out. As for RD, I've had a lot of practice with her and I think I play her pretty well. I'll also submit an OC after your reply to this.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:27 pm
by rocklobster
Of course I'll use the CMC. I have a story idea for them and Punky. I think she and Sweetie Belle would be good friends.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:54 pm
by Bio_Plus
Alright, then I take Scootaloo as well.

Name: Ripple
Age:in her 40s (Since pony ages are all about headcanon this will put her a little younger than Twilight, about Pinkie Pie's age :P )
Personality: Spunky and friendly, can become distracted, always ready to help, but weary of strangers.
Bio: Ripple's special talent is teleportation and she can teleport objects as large as she as far a kilometer from her. She's still training and trying to become better. She works at the post office shorting mail and packages, but when she's not working she likes to experiment with weird sweets and treats. When she was young she had a dramatic experience in the town she grew up in. She tries to avoid the subject of her past though, but because of that experience she's afraid of moving shadows. She can be a bit ditzy and intruding and sometimes doesn't realize when she's invading somepony's personal space. She can also be openly suspicious towards ponies she doesn't trust.

Edit: Another question. How old are the CMC in this rp?

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:04 pm
by rocklobster
Same age as they are in the show. We're in the show's timeline.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:55 am
by Zeldafan2
Name: Applejack
Type: Earth Pony
Cutie Mark: Three red apples
Age: Not sure what to put here
Mane: Medium length, bright blonde.
Hair: Orange
Personality: Applejack is honest to a fault, doing her best to tell the truth whenever possible. She is friendly, hardworking, and does her best to help her friends when they have problems. However, she has a tendancy to be stubborn, her pride being something she considers very important to her character. In addition, she is very copmetitive, getting into friendly competitions with Rainbow Dash often which tend to turn sour.
Bio: Applejack was born in Ponyville to two ponies who she never got to know. She is the middle child, being younger than her brother Big Mac, but older than her sister Applebloom. Having lived in Ponyville all her life, she puts all her hard work and perserverance into caring for the farm she runs with her older brother, as well as her grandmother Granny Smith who cares for Applejack and her siblings deeply.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:57 am
by rocklobster
Good work, Zeldafan.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:12 am
by Broly Ultimatrix
I'm going to have to rebuild my OC from scratch as his character sheet works under the tone and rules of a diffrent roleplay entirely :P

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 7:09 pm
by Diamond Dragon
*dashes in* Dibs on Twi and Luna!!! And I'll make some originals too!

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:46 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Ok, here they are:

Name: Twilight Sparkle.
Type: Unicorn.
Cutie Mark: A large star burst with six smaller white ones circling it.
Age: From what I heard, the Main 6 are all around 16.
Mane: Straight dark blue hair with streaks of purple and pink.
Hair: Lavender.
Personality: Twilight is a hard worker and diligent studier, and always strives to do her best. But her desire for perfection tends to go overboard, and anything that goes wrong throws her into anxiety. She's also very sensible, and dismisses anything she deems as superstitious or a legend.
Bio: Twilight was born in Canterlot (I believe). She's the youngest of the family, her older brother being Shining Armor. She was fascinated with magic from almost the very beginning, and because of this, her parents encouraged her to enroll in a magic school. Princess Celestia, impressed by her abilities, took her under her wing as an apprentice.

Name: Princess Luna.
Type: Alicorn.
Cutie Mark: a crescent moon against a black splash of sky with smaller spots going down her flank.
Age: well over 1,000.
Mane: A floating, blue, starry night sky.
Hair: Navy blue.
Personality: Princess Luna is mostly a serious and sometimes pony, concentrating on her duties as Princess. She can be a little temperamental as well, though she tries very hard to control it. Sometimes she will lighten up and have fun.
Bio: Together with her sister, Princess Luna used the Elements of Harmony to banish Discord, and together they ruled Equestria. That is, until Princess Luna got jealous of her sister because the ponies didn't like being outside at night. Her bitterness turned her into Nightmare Moon,and Celestia banished her to the moon for 1,000 years. When she returned, she trued to take over, but was stopped by the Mane 6. Now she 's back and rules alongside her sister.

My OCs coming later!

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:56 pm
by Broly Ultimatrix
I regret to say can't join for personal reasons. I get overwhealmed just thinking about monitoring and predicting the movements of all these characters however This is an unpresedented chance to really convert a rp into Short Story format and I just figured out the methodology and Format to use to get the best result. Of course I'll get all your permission before starting but I can't join this rp I'll be reading though :)

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 9:41 pm
by raider~joseph
I might join or I'll make that Kingdom Hearts Rpg I wanted to make...Also Broly check your inbox. And Bio I can't log into the other rp via IPod. Stupid IPod...

If I do join I call premptive dibs on Doctor Whooves and Derpy. And Pinkie Pie.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 4:47 am
by rocklobster
Originally, Diamond, I was going to take Twilight Sparkle and Luna, but since you asked nicely, I'll change my mind. Instead, I'm claiming Fluttershy and Applebloom.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:44 am
by Bio_Plus
Here's my other c-sheets:

Rainbow Dash:
Description: She looks like Rainbow Dash.
Age: in her 40s.
Bio: Rainbow Dash is the athlete. She has a goal in life and she's shooting for that goal. Rainbow also likes to brag and don't mind showing off. But Rainbow is also very uncertain of her own abilities. And whenever she has to really prove herself or if something should threaten her image, making her doubt herself, it scares her. She's also loyal, sticking with her friends and always ready to defend them. She is overconfident and always acts cool, although most of it is to to hide her insecurities.

Discription: She looks like Scootaloo
Age: I never really thought about it, maybe between 16-21.
Bio: Just starting to learn how to fly, this little pegasus is always a ray of sunshine. She idolizes Rainbow Dash and tries to act just as cool. Although more of a tomboy than RD she's also a lot more set in her capabilities to perform tricks. She lacks the self esteem to be herself, afraid that she may not be good enough or cool enough for other ponies.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:29 am
by Diamond Dragon
Eep, I'm very sorry Rock, I read your post wrong! I thought you meant you wanted someone else to play them. I can definitely give them back to you! Besides, I have lots OCs (and other characters of the show) to play as, so it's no problem!

Also, do you allow Zebras or Crystal ponies? Or any dragons?

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:07 am
by rocklobster
Of course I allow them. And I don't mind playing Fluttershy and Applebloom. I kinda wanted to try them out.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:09 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Thanks Rock!
Name: Enigma
Type: Earth/Crystal
Cutie Mark: None, she's a blank flank.
Age: 14
Mane: Wavy mane that wisps delicately around her shoulders and frames her face. It starts at royal purple at the roots, and gradually lightens to lavender at the ends. Both mane and tail have a crystal-like appearance.
Hair: Black, with a crystal-like appearance.
Personality: Enigma is a completely silent pony, who has never spoken since she was born. Whether she is mute, or she simply doesn't want to speak is a mystery to everyone. She seems to be cautious around everyone, and mostly keeps to herself.
Bio: Born and raised in the Crystal realm, she traveled with her parents (Who are jewelry makers) to Ponyville to start a new business. Enigma spends quite a bit of her time at Twilight's Library.

Name: Metal Gear
Type: Earth/Zebra
Cutie Mark : Three gears laid one on top of another: The biggest gold, the middle silver, and the smallest bronze.
Age: 17
Mane: Short and shaggy black mane and tail with toxic green streaks.
Hair: White and reddish brown stripes with black hooves.
Personality: Almost the complete opposite of Enigma, she's friendly and talkative. She tends to rattle off something without really thinking, so she has trouble keeping secrets.
Bio: Ponyville born at heart, she was raised by her father, who was a clock fixer. After learning everything about clocks from her father, she began striking out on her own, and became a steam punk inventor.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2013 2:15 pm
by rocklobster
I guess Steam Punk'd work in MLP: FIM.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:15 pm
by Diamond Dragon
Thanks! Are there enough people to start?

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:46 pm
by rocklobster
I believe so. Why not start on Sunday? I can play characters no one has picked if we need them.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 12:46 pm
by rocklobster
OK, I guess we start.
Punky was walking around Ponyville. She'd just come to town, hoping to find inspiration for a music video. That's when she saw a pony doing tricks on her scooter (that's your cue, Bio)
Applebloom was sitting there, cheering Scootaloo on.
"That was awesome Scootaloo!"

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:10 pm
by Bio_Plus
Scootaloo jumped another ramp and turned herself around, gliding through the air on her back and waving at her friends, before righting herself and landing on the ground. She took of her helmet and proudly looked over to the others.
Rainbow Dash was also watching the young pegasus performing her tricks, sitting next Apple Bloom as she nodded her approval. "Way to go Scoots!" She shouted with a wave of her hoof. "That's the way to do it!"

Ripple was browsing through the stalls in the market, looking for some fresh fruit from the vendors. She would look over some, poke them with her hoof, turn and stare at them from all sides, before replacing them and picking up another.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:19 pm
by Zeldafan2
OOC: Okay, I'll make my intro post.

BIC: Applejack sighed as she stared up at the sun. She had woken up early that day, hoping to get her work done early so she could ask Twilight some questions later that day, but ultimately, the work still took her a long time.

She was fairly used to hot weather, but today was sweltering. It had been a long time since she'd ever seen a day so hot. Sweat coated over her entire body. She wiped her forehead with her hoof.

As she walked down the road to the library, she thought back to earlier that day. While skimming through the photo album which contained memories from previous Apple Family reunions, she slowly started to be reminded of the fact she'd never had parents.

Granny Smith had been her only real parent. She'd told them her parents had passed on when she was very young, but never specified how it had happened, or even what they were like. Applejack had presumed this was because she didn't want to bring up bad memories, so she decided against asking Granny Smith. Knowing the large assortment of books Twilight had in her library, she assumed she may have history books which contained some type of record on the Apple Family.

"I never considered the fact I knew very little 'bout my parents. I feel kinda bad leaving them in the dark all this time."

She knocked on the front door to the library. "Twilight, are you there?"

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 1:21 pm
by raider~joseph
Doctor Who, Pinkie, and Derpy need no introduction so ill just stick to my OC sheet. And Im pretty sure you have to ask Gold if we can play.

Name: Forge (As in Origin Story Forge)
Type: Earth Pony
Cutie Mark: A Hammer crossing a Sword
Age: 16
Mane: Short black with messy spikes in the front
Hair: brownish red
Eyes: Yellow
Personality: Shy and insecure but very very VERY brave if backed into a corner.
Bio: An orphan blacksmith who traveled the world when he was younger (Mostly the far east) and has come to Ponyville to be around his own kind at his Master's Request.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:09 pm
by rocklobster
All right raider, you're in. Start as soon as you can. Hey, why not have Pinkie meet Punky.

Re: The Untold MLP:FIM

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:54 pm
by raider~joseph
OOC: Given the circumstances of the most recent episode can I also be Discord? :D Pinkie Please?

"Pinkie was hopping along like she always does! You ask me why? Because, Pinkie just loves to skip, hop and ju-uuuump!" Said Pinkie in the middle of a song. When she saw Punky. Because this is Pinkie she immediately proceeded to rush her and introduce herself. "Heeeeeeloo new pony whos name I don't know! Im Pinkie Pie! Im introducing myself because I love introducing myself! I also love pie! Oooo! You know what...What if I introduced myself WITH pie!" Pinkie dashed off cartoon style one past Punky then cartoon style ran in front of Punky from the direction she was originally looking at with a pie on her head that said: "My name is Pinkie Pie". "Tada! Here is a kumquat pie!" She handed Punky the pie.