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The Lehn Thread

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:41 am
by Lehn
The Basics: Everything and more you ever wanted to know ‘bout Lehners----

Age: 17 years, 3 months, 1 weeks, 6 days and some odd hours

Family: I live with my dad (45), older brother (18) and two younger sisters (14 & 11).

Languages: My English is fluent :grin: my Spanish is passable (my best friend is Hispanic), and I can understand more French and Japanese then what I’ll ever admit to.

After High School Graduation: Nothing is for sure yet, but I’m about 78.3% positive that I’m heading off to Japan for next summer to work with some family friends as a missionary. After that, heading off to college, and I’ll either go back to Japan or stay here and work with my old youth group.

School Activities: Drama Club, Art Club, and NHS

Favorite Authors: Jenny Carroll and Thoreau

Crunchy or Creamy Peanut Butter: :rock: Creamy, although I did like crunchy when I was a kid.

Eggs: Scrambled with cheese and green peppers

Drink: Pink Lemonade or Orange Juice

Favorite Soda: Mountain Dew

Bands: Switchfoot, Muse and LaRue’s older stuff.

Fav Songs: “Meant to Liveâ€

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:18 pm
by shooraijin
Actually, it pretty much covers anything *I* was going to ask ... :sweat:

Nice to meet you "officially" ... !

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:29 pm
by Omega Amen
Actually, I have one question immediately came up in my mind when I read this.

You have "Drink" and "Favorite Soda" in two separate categories. Why?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:39 pm
by Saint Kevin
I got a question...first off, what's the name of the cool c you use in facade, and do you like facades in general?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 12:58 pm
by Aijou
Lehn wrote:internet spelling (example: ur, lol, jk lm*o. If you’re going to use the brain cells to type, you might as well use them to properly spell out the word)

i kn0w what u mean. 4 real. c ing ppl type lik3 that is annoying. well, ttyl. lol jk l8ter.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 3:56 pm
by Lehn
'shooraijin' wrote: Nice to meet you "officially" ... !

Glad to be met 'offically'! :grin:

'Omega Amen' wrote:You have "Drink" and "Favorite Soda" in two separate categories. Why?

:dance: The banana told me to, what other reason is there? (I rarely drink soda because of sports and whatnot, and a rather nasty run-in I had with some serve dehydration last year, so you'll find me drinking 'drinks' mostly. But when I reach for a 'soda' it mountain dew')

'Saint Kevin' wrote:I got a question...first off, what's the name of the cool c you use in facade, and do you like facades in general?

A) I spell it like that because it's the proper French spelling. {Translation}Ihavenobloodyclue{/Translation}
B) façades, as in 'masks'? I try not to put up false fronts, but I am human. Or façade, as in the front of a building? As long as they have a spiffy paint job. :thumb:

'kaizoku_aika' wrote: i kn0w what u mean. 4 real. c ing ppl type lik3 that is annoying. well, ttyl. lol jk l8ter.

Yugi! *pounce* IthinkthatSetoiscuter...... :cool:

:grin: keep the questions coming!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:03 pm
by Omega Amen
I did not realize bananas can be so influential. (I am kidding there.)

As for "the cool c" Saint Kevin is referring to...

*thinks back to French classes over four years ago.*

I believe it is called a cedille.

Another question, Lehn, could you list your favorite Final Fantasy heroines?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:06 pm
by Lehn
'Omega Amen' wrote:Another questions, Lehn, can you list your favorite Final Fantasy heroines?

Yuna, hands down. Nobody even comes close. Rinoa if I had to pick my 2nd.... The list ends there because thus ends my ff playing experience...

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:07 pm
by Aijou
Lehn: Nah. Marik is the best.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:10 pm
by Lehn
'kaizoku_aika' wrote:Marik is the best.

The tattoo'd guy... with the silver hair? :eh: I've only watched a few episodes with my younger sister... I still don't know all the charas.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 4:15 pm
by Aijou
Yeah, that's him. Actually, I like to think that his hair is more of a platinum blonde. ^__^ And it's not really a tattoo, it's some ancient Egyptian scripture that was carved into his back with a hot knife. O_o I'd prefer getting a tattoo. Seto is cool. He's not as interesting as Marik, though. Marik has a strange past.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:24 pm
by Lehn
'kaizoku_aika' wrote:And it's not really a tattoo, it's some ancient Egyptian scripture that was carved into his back with a hot knife.

That sounds...... more then slightly painful....

Any other questions, dudes? :grin: Don't feel like going to bed yet...

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:36 am
by Solid Ronin
Lehn wrote:The Basics: Everything and more you ever wanted to know ‘bout Lehners----
Age: 17 years, 3 months, 1 weeks, 6 days and some odd hours

LOL! I kept reading your profile wrong and I thought you were younger than I....Welcome to the mechine.

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:48 am
by Lehn
'nekokami' wrote:Do you have that game?

:grin: Yeah, I'm 'working' on the perfect ending, at 98%.... I think... haven't brushed off the ol' PS2 in a while now.....

'Ronin of Kirai' wrote:I kept reading your profile wrong and I thought you were younger than I....

Shhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! :forehead: Not so loud or I'll haveta' start acting my age!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:09 am
by Kokhiri Sojourn
Hello, my elven friend. :lol: Cool to read up on you, and that's really cool about possibly going to Japan to help missionaries there. I was going to try and go on a missions trip next summer (yeah, long time away), and possibly go there also. We'll see.... okay, yeah I'm getting to the questions....

1.) What is your favorite smiley?

2.) Coffee or tea (any specific flavor)?

3.) Going to college? If so, Major?

4.) Favorite anime (it's probably posted somewhere, but it's not here.... maybe I should look....)

5.) Say you were on a midnight run to Walmart with two of your best friends, and you guys were acting a lot crazy, running up and down aisles, putting on outrageous hats and messing with stuff, you know, the usual goofy, bizaare stuff you do at Walmart that late at night. Well somehow, your friend trips and falls into one of those gigantic bouncy ball bins, and knocks the entire thing over, and they go everywhere. What do you do?

he he.... I think that's it.... :brow:

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:23 am
by Lehn
1.) What is your favorite smiley?

Hmmmm.... this one :grin: or this one :rock:

2.) Coffee or tea (any specific flavor)?

:drool: Neither. I’m not very sophisticated in my drinks.

3.) Going to college? If so, Major?

Depends on how Japan goes next year. If I click, then I'll be heading off to Moody (Chicago) if I can get in, and get bible thumped for missionary work. If it doesn’t feel right, then I'll come back home and go to a local college, and play it by ear.

4.) Favorite anime (it's probably posted somewhere, but it's not here.... maybe I should look....)

Escaflowne is my first true anime love, but I'm really liking Cowboy Bebop.

5.) Say you were on a midnight run to Walmart with two of your best friends, and you guys were acting a lot crazy, running up and down aisles, putting on outrageous hats and messing with stuff, you know, the usual goofy, bizaare stuff you do at Walmart that late at night. Well somehow, your friend trips and falls into one of those gigantic bouncy ball bins, and knocks the entire thing over, and they go everywhere. What do you do?

Throw on a feather boa and a hard helmet and play some hardcore dodge ball! :rock:

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 8:33 am
by Kokhiri Sojourn
Lehn wrote:Throw on a feather boa and a hard helmet and play some hardcore dodge ball! :rock:

Rock on, Lehn!

Alright one more: If Spike and Yuna had to duke it out, who would win? (I know, it's random, but they are the characters I know you like) You can give a play by play if you want, but you don't have to.... :thumb:

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:10 pm
by Lehn
'Kokhiri Sojourn' wrote:If Spike and Yuna had to duke it out, who would win? (I know, it's random, but they are the characters I know you like)

Ah man.... that's hard... Let's see...

In a no aeon/gun fight…

Yunie looks like she’d fight dirty girly-style in hand-to-hand]my[/I] skirt *hisses*).

If she was smart, she’d go in for Spike’s one true weakness: his itty-bitty tieeny-tiny ankles, and knaw ‘em off like corn on the cob :drool:

But Spike would probably get bored with her after a while and just pick her up and put her in a box and then sit on it :forehead:

PostPosted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 6:19 pm
by Lehn
Any other questions?

:sweat: Promise not to bite.