Shinobinokage Thanx everybody and answers questions
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:00 pm
well gee wow gosh what can i say?
::gathers up cow plushies, wlecome cards, and some awesome chocolate pudding:: well gosh guys thats what i call a warm welcome . . . that was actually the :sniff: coolest welcome i've had in my whole life. Thanx u guys are awesome.
By the way oldphilosopher I am also a Crazy Go Nuts University Graduate and a Homestar Nut!
4 Angelchick i fence foil and epee . . . what do you fence?
Link Antilles I am also a star wars fan too.
Kaji u should take fencing, I had the exact same problem and I learned that that flinching can help u dodge and incoming attack! find a local fencing school and take a lesson, you'll love it =) !
Twighlight kIss thanks 4 the pudding (it was yummy did you make it yourself?)
Potbellied Cow thank you 4 the plushie.
true_noir_chloe i like the newest Crimson Skies GAme I am also a robotech battlecry fan, I also like halo and am looking forward too halo2 !
Thanx 4 everything . . . but, How can i help out at CAA like I noticed the Knights of CAA stuff . . . what can I do?
::gathers up cow plushies, wlecome cards, and some awesome chocolate pudding:: well gosh guys thats what i call a warm welcome . . . that was actually the :sniff: coolest welcome i've had in my whole life. Thanx u guys are awesome.
By the way oldphilosopher I am also a Crazy Go Nuts University Graduate and a Homestar Nut!
4 Angelchick i fence foil and epee . . . what do you fence?
Link Antilles I am also a star wars fan too.
Kaji u should take fencing, I had the exact same problem and I learned that that flinching can help u dodge and incoming attack! find a local fencing school and take a lesson, you'll love it =) !
Twighlight kIss thanks 4 the pudding (it was yummy did you make it yourself?)
Potbellied Cow thank you 4 the plushie.
true_noir_chloe i like the newest Crimson Skies GAme I am also a robotech battlecry fan, I also like halo and am looking forward too halo2 !
Thanx 4 everything . . . but, How can i help out at CAA like I noticed the Knights of CAA stuff . . . what can I do?