I'm not so great. Here is my brief Bio.
PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 1:22 pm
The K stands for my first name, Keenan. It's Irish-gealician in origin and means Ancient One, thus the meaning for A1. EG stands for my middle and last name. They are of no importance. The number 13 stands for the day I was born, and my favorite number. (Note: my dad was born on the 13 as well. Coinkydink? Mabe...or mabe not)
I think one day I want to become a Social Worker...but I also want to publish my own comic/manga. In any case I'm going to go to Lon Morris to get my first 2 years of collage and then mabe I'll do something sparratic like join the Salvation Army.
I hate my childhood. I wish to completely forget ages 1-15 and a half...well that makes up the most of my life. When I was five I had lily white skin and read lips. When my couisin first saw me he said he mistook me for a girl. My Dad once made the mistake of getting me a girls coat that was accidently misplaced in the boys section. I got called a fag a lot. Later I underwent the torture of being called frenchfry (my fault). I developed a fear of alien abduction. I got hooked on hentia, and other ponography. I once slapped my niece in both ears at the same time and popped her eardrum(s). When my brother found out he slapped the crap out of me. The list of shame goes on.
I eventualy saw the light of Jesus Christ while I was around 15 years old. This was great, but then I got hung up interprating the unpardonable sin, and I pretty much seperated myself from my family and surfed the net studying all I could from different religious sites. This in turn gave me a mix of good and bad doctrine and in a sense my wires fried a bit. I went about trying to evagalize my family only to end up irritating everone. I shoved my religion down my brothers throat and tried to convert his kids. My family eventualy held a intervention and very kindly (and sternly) showed me that I was going way overboard, and that I was upsetting all of them, and that they were afraid for my mental health. Well, I eventually got it through my head that I was doing more damage that good, and found myself being a total hypocrite. Even now, when I remember some of the actions I took I shudder with shame. It took about a year to patch things up with my family.
Sometime within that episode I also got into 7thDayAdventist theology (legalism) and started keeping the diatery food laws and keeping sabbath on Saturday. Thankfully the Lord revealed the truth of those erronious ways to me and I soon repented afterwards. It releaved my family for me to stop keeping sabbath on Saturday and eating more again.
Now that I'm cleared up with God and my family, I see a brighter future for myself than prevously. I've come a long way, but God hasn't finished with me yet. One day I hope to make my family proud, and to hear the Lord say to me "Well done good and faithfull servent."
So far 17 has been the best year of my life.
The K stands for my first name, Keenan. It's Irish-gealician in origin and means Ancient One, thus the meaning for A1. EG stands for my middle and last name. They are of no importance. The number 13 stands for the day I was born, and my favorite number. (Note: my dad was born on the 13 as well. Coinkydink? Mabe...or mabe not)
I think one day I want to become a Social Worker...but I also want to publish my own comic/manga. In any case I'm going to go to Lon Morris to get my first 2 years of collage and then mabe I'll do something sparratic like join the Salvation Army.
I hate my childhood. I wish to completely forget ages 1-15 and a half...well that makes up the most of my life. When I was five I had lily white skin and read lips. When my couisin first saw me he said he mistook me for a girl. My Dad once made the mistake of getting me a girls coat that was accidently misplaced in the boys section. I got called a fag a lot. Later I underwent the torture of being called frenchfry (my fault). I developed a fear of alien abduction. I got hooked on hentia, and other ponography. I once slapped my niece in both ears at the same time and popped her eardrum(s). When my brother found out he slapped the crap out of me. The list of shame goes on.
I eventualy saw the light of Jesus Christ while I was around 15 years old. This was great, but then I got hung up interprating the unpardonable sin, and I pretty much seperated myself from my family and surfed the net studying all I could from different religious sites. This in turn gave me a mix of good and bad doctrine and in a sense my wires fried a bit. I went about trying to evagalize my family only to end up irritating everone. I shoved my religion down my brothers throat and tried to convert his kids. My family eventualy held a intervention and very kindly (and sternly) showed me that I was going way overboard, and that I was upsetting all of them, and that they were afraid for my mental health. Well, I eventually got it through my head that I was doing more damage that good, and found myself being a total hypocrite. Even now, when I remember some of the actions I took I shudder with shame. It took about a year to patch things up with my family.
Sometime within that episode I also got into 7thDayAdventist theology (legalism) and started keeping the diatery food laws and keeping sabbath on Saturday. Thankfully the Lord revealed the truth of those erronious ways to me and I soon repented afterwards. It releaved my family for me to stop keeping sabbath on Saturday and eating more again.
Now that I'm cleared up with God and my family, I see a brighter future for myself than prevously. I've come a long way, but God hasn't finished with me yet. One day I hope to make my family proud, and to hear the Lord say to me "Well done good and faithfull servent."
So far 17 has been the best year of my life.